womplay and wombat united in an interesting blockchain video game project


They show a complete blog explaining in detail how to obtain EOS using WOMBAT 



The installation of the wallet is very simple just choose in which mode we want to install and just follow the instructions that explain
now it's time to talk about womplay.                                            
As I said before WOMPLAY offers an intuitive interface and if you saw the video you would understand how it works
basically what we will do is play the different modes such as womplay favorites, quick play, challenges in which as our efforts playing we will get wombucks which is the currency or reward of each section and in the end what is done with it is as follows:



the womplay favorites are mostly blockchain games Very well-known, which is this opportunity we can win also from womplay as well as mostly are android and IOS 



 In quick play by clicking on play you win wombucks instantly 



Last but not least are the challenges, here what we will do is compete against other players where if we manage to beat them we will get better rewards due to the difficulty and high competition that this requires 


Registration is also the easiest of all just go to the registration section and click on it will open a window where you just accept the terms and conditions and any social network such as Facebook, Twitter or directly from the mail will have finished



The most important thing to keep in mind is that to receive the wombucks it is necessary to have logged in the wombat and that the wallet is synchronized to participate in the weekly draw.


This is a sample of how the wombat Sid wallet should be displayed they decided to install it as a Google Chrome extension
good friends with nothing more to say I say goodbye