Win $7000 in ETH - Unstoppable Domains Contest

Recently I wrote a quick primer on Unstoppable Domains and Atomic Wallet.  That was just the beginning of my journey.  In the meantime here's something you may not have seen yet - Win $7000 in ETH - Unstoppable Domains Contest.


What is Unstoppable Domains?

If you haven't had the chance as of yet, it might be worth your time to look into the capabilities behind a blockchain based domain.  Currently they are either a .crypto or a .zil page.

Here's a quick 1 minute video that has a testimonial from Tim Draper, who also is one of the backers of UD.

On the surface, the Unstoppable Domains capability is really intriguing and looks to be a solution to something that many of us have had to face either directly or peripherally in dealing with larger url providers.

Be sure to stay tuned for several articles that I have coming out on some of the in's and outs of setting up your .crypto domain, connecting addresses, as well as setting up your own page.

Now on to the contest.


The Contest - Win $7000 in ETH.

Now this is really simple. All you have to do is go in through the Dapp browser on the COINBASE wallet to this the Unstoppable Domain Website

What's even more intriguing to me is the hodl.crypto domain.  You could have a lot of fun with that.

Also, here's a 30 second clip that shows you the walk through on what to do with the Coinbase Wallet Dapp browser.

Lastly, if you haven't had the chance to download the coinbase wallet, I'll add the link.  You can find it in the app store so it shouldn't be an issue.

Remember that the Coinbase Wallet is different than the Coinbase app.  

Screenshot of the Coinbase Wallet

If you're downloading the wallet from the app store, between that and clicking enter for the contest, I suspect it won't take you more than 3 minutes. 

Unless you are writing your seed phrase in calligraphy.  But even then just a few more.