Why did Satoshi Nakamoto keep his identity secret?

Why did Satoshi Nakamoto keep his identity secret?

Satoshi Nakamoto kept his identity secret and probably had good reasons for doing so. One possible reason is that Satoshi Nakamoto's life is in danger due to bitcoin. As we will discuss the features of Bitcoin below, this economic innovation has the ability to bypass large banks and financial institutions and therefore could have many enemies from the beginning. If the identity of the creator of bitcoin was known, the possibility of arrest and exposure to various dangers could befall the individual or group that created it.

On the other hand, it was said that bitcoin is not under anyone's control. This feature, which is referred to as decentralization and will be discussed in full later, is mentioned in one of Satoshi Nakamoto's emails, which is realized only when he hides his identity. If the identity of the creator of Bitcoin was not unknown, then Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas could have greatly influenced it during the network development process and taken it out of decentralization.