Why Can't I Mine on my Smartphone?

Why can't I mine on my smartphone?


Quick answer:  Damage. It's like mining for silver with a golden spoon.


Mining sound fun and exciting.  For the most part, it is.  Everyone loves seeing the numbers slowly go up.  There are even apps out there that will work on your Android devices, jailbroken Apple devices, and computers.  However, you should know that the big companies have already banned them.  Apple was the first to ban mining apps because of the damage that they can cause your Apple Device.  You also won't find any in the Google store.

Many people think, "So what, I want to mine." And then search for other sources for mining apps not listed in the store.  There are other providers for these apps out there, but there is a good reason for them not being listed in the app stores of the big leagues.  Sometimes when wanting something, we need to consider the end results.

Mining is a very laborious task, just like physical mining.  It requires a lot of energy and computing power.    Have you ever done a lot of work (or play) on your smartphone?  What happens?  It gets hot, right.  It can get scorching, and guess what?  When it becomes hot, the device can be damaged, performance effected, the battery drained, and possibly exposed to Internet nasties and hackers.

Modern smartphones hold more personal information than our computers.  Think about it, unless your smart enough to go into the system and edit the data it collects about you, it has all your locations, online purchases, credit cards, e-mail, messages, social media accounts, cryptowallets, and much more.   Besides holding all that information, smartphones are becoming more of an ID device than out passport or driver's license.  When a company wants to verify it's you, what do they do?  They send a message to your phone or e-mail.  Which are in your hand.

So if you were to install a mining app, you are putting all of that at risk.  How much could you earn from mining apps?  Not much.  Maybe a fist full of satoshis.  So if you want to mine with your smartphone, please do not download apps that are not approved by the major providers.  There are other options out there.

Pi is a very clever app that was developed by Standford PhDs for an environmental way to get cryptocurrency.  Pi is more like "social mining" than traditional cryptocurrency mining.  So it doesn't affect your phone's performance, battery, or life expectancy.  The more friends you invite to mine, the more you earn, and the more secure your system is.  Currently, Pi is of no value, but it shows a lot of promise.  All it takes is opening the app once a day and pressing one button.  It is app store approved, so no nasties are waiting for you. It's worth looking into.

Here is a link to the Pi website if you want to check it out.  They have videos to explain how it works and the value of Pi in the future.  If you want to join, you will need a referrer.  Feel free to use my code: cryptopsycho21