Who will be the next to Enter and Buy ??????

This is a chronicle of an announced company, but technically the Elon Musk news about Bitcoin has been a very excellent foundation to further boost the price and strengthen the holding of digital assets as reversals of value. Beyond memes and Dogecoin, we certainly see a clear sequence of a turnaround that may start to see serious diversification in the investment portfolio.

Indeed, this notifies, rather than commented on in these spaces, it should focus on the fact that the presence of digital assets in institutional portfolios definitely invites us to connect to a level of security where cryptocurrencies can be the only salvation in those moments to come in those that the fiat disintegrates and wreaks havoc on working capital. Musk's vision of the future, of course always challenging, invites us to be clear on what many think of setting aside the totalitarian role of the dollar as a reserve to invite new supporters to be part of a chain of records.

As always, buying the rumor and selling the news, under the same information channel, there is also the possibility that companies will continue to see appearances seeking to emphasize financial support beyond the dollar; They are beginning to understand the magnitudes of the coming crisis and if they want to continue as players in this innovative field, they need to feed off a true finite asset that guarantees their survival and puts them on the competitive path. And it is that these news point to a possible participation of Apple as the next protagonist to enter the scene.

Of course, it is possible that this rumor may be dissipated a bit with the partial participation of this company and in certain fields, but one thing is certain, the entrance of Tesla also began as a series of rumors that materialized in the news that we all already know.

Even so, we must always ask ourselves why this sudden participation in the crypto market???, and the essence of the fiat system begins to fade and show the true attributes that make it the largest bubble ever to explode???? The survival of the most prepared comes from the level of adaptation they have to see the changes that are constant in every economic environment.

It is interesting that everything that was modeled from a mass adoption is materializing and even diversifying. Participation in the cryptographic world begins to build a field that will soon have a new question, and it will not be "who has Bitcoin" but "who does not have Bitcoin". With this stage, the performance of many emerging and underlying assets will begin to take on that protagonist role for which they were created. A new way is approaching, a new system is implanted, let's not wait for others to sow their doubts, let's take the initiative to continue and accept the challenges, and we see that here no pennies are invested, as we see, the entry is strong and hard, let's not stray from the path.

It is always good to have a massive participation on this news, the more we focus on expanding it, the better the understanding of those we want to reach, that is why this type of media is so important, a direct and complete interaction with cryptocurrencies. Musk knows it, maybe Cook does too.

The preparation of this article was based on the information provided in the following links. For a better understanding of the subject, you are always invited to read them and draw your own conclusions.

  • https://bitfinanzas.com/bitcoin-se-dispara-despues-de-que-elon-musk-revelara-que-compro-15-mil-millones-de-dolares-en-bitcoin/
  • https://www.lainformacion.com/mercados-y-bolsas/la-obsesion-de-elon-musk-tenia-motivo-tesla-invirtio-1-500-millones-en-bitcoin/2828721/?autoref=true
  • https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/apple-about-announce-5-billion-bitcoin-purchase-one-bank-thinks-so