What to do on Weekends. Make Friday fruitful.

Okay so well,

The week has been over and all of you might be feeling happy and tired at the same time.

Now you might be thinking of Either

1.GRINDING in the weekends.

2.Sitting and watching your favourite TV show.



But What if I said you can make Your FRIDAY FRUITFUL.

Oh really ?But How?

Its very simple.

All you need to do is sit and think of all the things you did this week.


The good decisions and bad decisions you made.

After you are done, Now carry on the Financial calculation part which is really important if you are trying hard to keep up with your expenses.


What all things to do in Financial calculation?

Make a list on what you bought this week.

With their prices (do not forget)


Now make a list on how much you earn every week.


So If you did made this list,You can now see the differences on your Earning and Expenditure.


What to do next?


Now you get three basic results

1st Your earnings are really more than your expenditures.

Then you are on the safe side. Start investing your earnings.


2nd Your earnings are exact the same as your expenditures

Now you are on the edge of Management troubles.

So you might not be able to think of quitting your job or doing something else.


So a tip for you Try these weekends to develop new skills , That will help you as a freelancer.

And as you develop,Your skills will be developed and you cannot imagine what it is to be someone with a very strong and positive Portfolio out there.

You have lots of clients who demands your work and then you can be free if you get very decent income.


Then also keep on investing a bit on something that generates you passive income.


3rd If your earnings are far more lesser than Your expenditures.

Frankly speaking ,Its not a joke,




So when you have all these things in place Now put your weekends in developing skills,Enter into crypto, Learn the market and There are many free videos out there where you can learn about the market.


Note:Since I am new author and am smaller in age, But still by my experience I would like to bring up articles on helping all to be financially independent.

Mainly the Young population who are new to crypto , would love to guide you all.


Do follow and like my articles, You wont miss any article on which I am going to bring up all about GENERATING PASSIVE INCOME.

Am happy to get feedbacks and comments on my work and how I can  how I can improve.