What is Noise.Cash and how to make the most out of your Noise.Cash Experience


Are you familiar with Noise.Cash? If not, this is your chance to learn more about it. If yes, this article will attempt to help you improve your Noise.Cash experience!

First things first

What is Noise.Cash? https://noise.cash/

Noise.Cash is a social platform where users can post updates, engage in discussions and get paid through tips in Bitcoin Cash that they receive by other users. Originally the platform was created to promote Bitcoin Cash. The tips in the microblogging platform are sponsored by Marc de Mesel, a BCH benefactor.

How do Free Tips work?

You get an amount of free tips (FT) credited to your account everyday courtesy of MdM. These you have to use to tip the post/content of other users that you like. When you tip a post, you can decide what percentage of the amount you are tipping goes to the user and what goes in your wallet. So, if you are active and posting quality content you will be getting tips from the people who like it and you can also get some of the FT credited to you while tipping other users.

My personal suggestion is BE GENEROUS with your Free Tips and allocate as high percentage as possible to the users who post nice content in order to thank and encourage them!


Chambers are the equivalent to what other platforms have as groups (FaceBook) or Subs (Reddit). Anyone can make a Chamber where users can join freely. If you create one you are not de-facto the owner or admin. I think they do not have official moderators for the Chambers as they are not mentioned in any list when you subscribe in one. As a user you can join whatever chambers you like, there are no restrictions. From personal experience, I would say avoid joining some of the biggest chambers as your explore/new feed will be filled with spam posts. Be selective, and join only those chambers you are really interested or have quality posters using them regularly.

Posting and Interacting

Users can post whatever they like and there is no limit on how many times you can post per day. Other users can reply, tip and renoise (share) your post. When someone renoises your post, he can do a simple renoise or a renoise with his own comment. When he does the first, the original poster can get additional tips from the followers of the person who renoised it. When a user decides to renoise it with a comment, then he is the one who receives the tips for sharing it.

It is worth noting here that users are evaluated through their posts, low quality, spam posts, copy pasta, irrelevant good morning/goodnight posts, etc will lower your standing and will make you ineligible to receiving free tips. This is a new admin measure to fight off spammers who had flooded Noise.cash and user evaluation is still in development and improving.

Users can also subscribe to each other in order to see the posts of the ones in whom they are subscribed to in their personal feed. You can see who tipped you or liked your post, but you cannot see who renoised (shared) it or a list of your subscribed. Also, there is no direct message button for contact and chatting in private with other users.

Netiquettes and Tips

  • Post relevant content without spamming and abusing with the platform to maintain a good standing and receive as much Free Tips as possible!

  • Be active and engaging. People will start to appreciate your content and follow you!

  • Give generous Free Tips to quality or interesting posts! This is a no brainer! You get those tips to use for free, so why not be generous about them?!

  • Don't beg for tips or subscribes. This is frowned upon by the community.

  • Make thoughtful comments in interesting posts. This may get some tips or renoises (shares) - I usually renoise people who make genuine comments in my posts

  • Subscribe to the official Noise.Cash account https://noise.cash/u/noise.cash for the latest updates on the platform. Even better if you put a post notification on it.

  • Subscribe to users who post regular quality content. That way you can stay in the loop of what is happening in the crypto world

  • Share your posts in the relevant Chamber to get more engagement

  • Join a handful of niche Chambers

  • Find interesting Chambers through the people you follow by checking where they post often!

  • If you are a blogger/ author use the relevant Chambers to share your newest articles. E.g. if you publish in Publish0x, Hive, or READ.CASH there are dedicated Chambers for them. Ask the subscribers of those Chambers to support you with a follow, like, comment, tip if they enjoyed your article in the relevant platform.

  • Avoid joining some of the largest Chambers such as Giveaways that has 9k+ members as it will be hard to find interesting content in there and your feed will be flooded with spam.

These are some of my suggestions to make the most out of Noise.Cash. I hope these will help existing and new users to get the most out of their Noise Cash experience!


Disclaimer: This article shares the personal opinion of the author and is not an official position of Noise.Cash


If you enjoyed this you can find and follow me on Noise.Cash here: https://noise.cash/u/Ceekz

You can support my blogging journey through tipping in my CoinTr.ee: https://cointr.ee/ceekzz