What is Money?

“Money is the medium by which earthly success is measured”

Of course without money the world would be a hell of a different place. Money is a means of exchange, for goods and services.


“So you think that money is the root of all evil?” said Francisco d’Anconia. “Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?”

Francisco d’Anconia via Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand


This short excerpt (read it here) from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is filled with gems, which gifted me a fundamentally more sound stance on money and, on the world (the whole book was filled with insight and, I swear by it).

So with that we can establish that money is inherently good, but is being used inherently bad, because of the way humans use it to manipulate the environment to suit their needs, and disregard the consequences it has on the whole, aka, the planet and humanity and the future sustainability of life.

Now we meet the Federal Reserve Bank, the switcheroony of Gold as the world’s reserve currency to the US Dollar, and, Cryptocurrency

“Gold correlation to Global Reserve Currency change since Bretton Woods agreement

A new international monetary system was forged by delegates from forty-four nations in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in July 1944. Delegates to the conference agreed to establish the International Monetary Fund and what became the World Bank Group.


Essentially, the Bretton Woods agreement facilitated the extermination of gold as the world’s reserve currency and setting up the US dollar as the default currency for the world.

Yes, that also means that the US dollar was no longer backed by gold, aka, it became worthless overnight, gold since has gone from the then price of $35 (btw, now worth approx. $230 from inflation) to the current level of almost $2000 ($13K in 1970).

So we have a worldwide default currency that is worth nothing. And wait, there’s more.


The Crash Course

The Crash Course by PeakProsperity . Com. Fantastic 3 Hour Introductory Course into the system we live in

Watch Zeitgeist for more insight also.. here

This article could really go on forever, and since that doesnt need to happen and we have the freedom of choice (or, at least we think we do), I will recommend you read this and this.

So what can we do about it?

Welcome to the wonderful world of Cryptocurrency!

Magical Internet Money

In my honest opinion the best thing about Bitcoin, which almost triumphs all, is that noone knows who made it. It gets me everytime. I still recall seeing it when it was $0,09. And yes, I stacked those sats up! I’m joking. Of course I didn’t… (sats is short for Satoshis, easily understood as the decimals of a Bitcoin which make up 1 when you add them together).

I won’t go into depth here on Bitcoin, there is an evergrowing multitude of articles explaining the ins and outs of this Magical Internet Money.

Most importantly, Bitcoin was created anonymously, the people control it (or, don’t control it), every transaction is available to see for anyone, and although it is anonymous due to the completely randomised sequence of alphanumericals, there is still a high level of tracing possible. Vision is correct, fundamentals pave the way, but it certainly is not the answer. The more people who mine it (aka generate it via solving complex computer algorithms with computers) the stronger the network becomes, the more difficult it is to hack, I won’t say impossible, but I so will. Impossible)

Transaction fees are damn high sometimes, not always, but sometimes the providers cahrge extremely high fees that make you question its existence. So that’s a huge problem IMO. It puts people off. They don’t understand it, it’s not simple enough, they can’t be bothered. You know how people get.

Evermore however is Bitcoin becoming more and more mainstream, and yes, unfortunately people are still only reacting to their present environment and not looking ahead, which leads to things like this

Market Psychology

and this

Bitcoin Price Correlation to Google Searches

Flashback 10 years. Imagine spending a $100 on Bitcoin at lets say 10 cents, leaving you with 1000 BTC. Today as of writing this article, that is worth $31,467,819 

Millionaire in 10 years by doing nothing. Or you sell it at 20k like it was 2017/2018 and then buy back at circa 5k in March 2020, now you would have 4000 BTC, so about $120,000,000.

Bitcoin is the tool to escape from the firm grip of the State.

At CoinMarketCap you can see pretty much everything you need to see to start to learn about crypto. I highly recommend it as an introductory point.

Crypto and Privacy

We are evermore coming into the Age of Privatisation and Decentralisation in unison with Information and Surveillance..

Privacy coins are becoming evermore important, to keep our personal soveriegnty and liberty.


“Saying you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”

Edward Snowden


Recently I saw this video via The Dollar Vigillante (you can find Jeff via LBRY.TV) about a crypto called Pirate Chain – $ARRR and linked is a “Good article explaining the tech“.

Essentially, Pirate Chain is the embodiement of Privacy, Anonymity, Decentralisation and Voluntaryism. It combines the tech used by KomodoZCash, and Monero.


As in all cases, Do Your Own Research! Places I would start would be understanding the future and the needs we will have as we continue to head down the path the Globalists are constantly attempting to set us upon. Privacy will always be a thing. What does that mean? Take a look at some of the resources I’ve listed here. Consider what people will need to do to protect themselves. How can they pay for things without being tracked? Check out coins like ZCash, Monero, Bitcoin Private, Bytecoin, Verge, and similar cryptos. Invest your time and money now in what will be needed in 5, 10 years.

  • Digitalisation
  • Decentralisation
  • Becoming Location Independent.
  • Living Off Grid

These are just a few things, which are always becoming more important.

"You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom"

Malcolm X

That’s it for now, folks. Remember, no one is going to give you the information you need to overthrow them and, many people’s lives depend on them not understanding certain things, like the Monetary System for example.

Lebe Wohl!

Prosperous Person(al-Re)ality for Mankind’s Alignment with Divine Creation. Long Crypto, Energy, and Sustainability. Teaching/Learning Response-Ability

Failing to Prepare entails preparing to Fail. Hedge yourself. Buy Crypto. Trade it on Leverage (yes look it up). Watch Europa-The Last Battle. Start a Business. Get out of the rat race.

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