What is fodex ?

What is FODEX, a new decentralized exchange widely spread recently?

It is reported that FODEX (Fox decentralized exchange), invested by bluefox foundation, will soon operate in China.

FODEX is a decentralized exchange based on cotu public chain. Taking safe and transparent trading as our own responsibility, we provide financial investment services covering new defi products such as decentralized spot token exchange, mining, e-commerce, media and so on.

In the era of decentralized exchanges, what are the unique advantages of FODEX?

First, completely decentralized trading

FODEX is developed by overseas geeks. This group of computer geniuses who are at the forefront of network technology believe that the essence of the exchange is to provide a free and safe trading place for fans. User assets should not be managed and stored by a third party through the platform, but should be stored in their personal wallet. The contradiction between users and the exchange should be transformed into the contradiction between users and users The platform only needs to improve the technology to ensure the interests of users, and users no longer need to worry about the running of the platform.

Second, the transaction speed is faster and the gas fee is lower

Smart contract was born earlier than Ethereum. V Shen, founder of Ethereum, pointed out that "contract" in Ethereum smart contract should not be understood as something that needs to be executed or abided by, but as "autonomous agent" existing in Ethereum execution environment It has its own Ethereum account. When they receive the transaction information, it is equivalent to being poked, and then automatically executes a piece of code.

This is the property of smart contracts that cannot be tampered with, which ensures the safety factor of exchange. However, in 2020, the congestion problem on the Ethereum chain will continue, and the ultra-high gas of transfer often makes the two sides of token exchange daunted. Although it is safe, it sacrifices efficiency.

In addition to the security advantages of Ethereum smart contract, FODEX based on cotu public chain also has the characteristics of "efficiency" and "low gas fee", which ensures the safe and fast token exchange between users.

Third, the governance of the equity ecological incentive of the platform bound with the stock certificate

The traditional platform governance pass is often issued by private placement, ICO and other means, and there is the possibility of random issuance, tampering with the white paper rules, not buying back on time and hiding profits.

The platform governance Circular of FODEX is completely bound to the platform equity.

In addition to the cost of technical maintenance and operation activities of FODEX, 60% of the platform handling fee will completely buy back the governance token, and transfer the transaction to the smart contract for real-time on the chain.

FODEX uses the original decentralized transaction mining mechanism and the simple and easy to understand traditional matchmaking transaction to reduce the threshold for users to participate in the early stage of DEX project in an all-round way, and provides users with more secure and reliable financial products with more diversified asset selection and configuration and higher expected return on investment.

In particular, the governance pass of FODEX, fox, is a product worthy of our investment.