What is Bitcoin and how does Bitcoin work?

Bitcoin is generally defined as a form of digital currency. It is also a type of money that is completely virtual. It is just like a new form of online cash. You can use it to buy several products and services but it is also a fact that there are several shops from which are still not accepting Bitcoin as a payment mode. And some of the countries have banned it altogether.

The physical images of  Bitcoins that you often you see are just a form of creativity. They are worthless if they do not hold the private codes printed inside them.

Any new trader in the Bitcoin market can start it even if he has no deep knowledge of the technical details.  It is a simple procedure. When you install a Bitcoin wallet on your computer or mobile phone, it instantly generates your first Bitcoin address. There is a convention that you can create more addresses whenever you need them. This address is used to receive or send digital payments. Its function is very much similar to how email works, except that Bitcoin addresses, should be used only once. Below we are explaining in detail some of the common terms used in cryptocurrency and especially in the Bitcoin system. Visit bitcoin compass to know more about this.

Balances – blockchain

Let us now have an overview of Blockchain technology which is quite important to understand if you are into the cryptocurrency world. It is usually named as a shared public LEDGER on which the entire Bitcoin network relies. It is a collection of all confirmed transactions. Also, it is a source that enables Bitcoin wallets to calculate their spendable balance so that new transactions can be verified thereby confirming they’re owned by the same spender. Cryptography is a platform to enforce the integrity and chronological order of the blockchain.  

Transactions – private keys

It is mainly used in the procedure of transfer of value between Bitcoin wallets that gets included in the blockchain. Your secret data regarding your transactions and balance is called a private key or seed. It is also is used to sign transactions, providing mathematical proof that they have come from the owner of the wallet. A signature is a form of digital signature that is used to show that the wallet holder knows the private key connected to a public key. It also stops the transaction from being modified altered by anybody once it has been issued. Every transaction is broadcast to the network. A transaction normally takes  10-20 minutes to be confirmed within 10-20 minutes, through the mining process.

Processing – mining

Mining is also explained as a distributed consensus system. Its main function is to confirm all the pending transactions and adds them to the blockchain. Its main responsibilities include maintaining a  chronological order in the blockchain, safeguarding the neutrality of the network, and allowing different computers to agree on the state of the system. To get confirmed a transaction must be packed in a block and follow all the very strict cryptographic rules that will be verified by the network. These strict rules intercept previous blocks from being modified because doing so would invalidate all the subsequent blocks. The procedure of mining is similar to a competitive lottery that stops any individual from easily adding new blocks consecutively to the blockchain. So this makes it safer as no group or individuals can control what is included in the blockchain or in any way could replace parts of the blockchain to roll back their spending.

Why do people want Bitcoins?

Bitcoin also becomes an attractive coin for being free from the control of any government or bank. It allows its users to spend their coin fairly anonymously. Every of its transaction is recorded but at the same time, nobody would know which ‘account number’ was yours unless you told them.

Is it secure?

Bitcoin has introduced a system where every transaction is recorded publicly so it’s very difficult to copy Bitcoins, make some fake coins or spend ones you don’t own.

There is always a likelihood that you might lose your Bitcoin wallet or delete your Bitcoins and lose them forever. Several incidents are there telling the stories of thefts from websites that let you store your Bitcoins remotely.


People value several things in place of money like gold, silver, or diamond. The Aztecs used cocoa beans as money!. So similarly, Bitcoin is also valuable for the people ready to exchange them for real goods and services, and even cash.

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