What can you buy in your country with 1 BTC?

Bitcoin is very close to $ 60,000 USD and it seems like yesterday we could have picked it up at just $ 4k per coin. It is a tremendous advantage and even if it is a bubble, as some say, but in my opinion it is no longer speculative and it is already a very profitable investment, so let's play a game this afternoon. Let's put Bitcoin on a scale, should we ...

At some point, the valuation in dollars and pesos will be simply useless, so why not check its value in real life, in our own countries and economies? Therefore, I am sharing with you here what a Bitcoin can buy in my country, Mexico.

You could buy Ford Mustang Shelby Convertible, with a price of 940 thousand pesos this Mustang has a 5.8-liter V8 engine capable of flying with 662 horsepower.

Another gem that you could buy with 1BTC would be a Mercedes-Benz E400 CGI Bi Sport, it covers the total of 1 million pesos and is the perfect mix of luxury, sportiness and design. It has a 3.0-liter V6 engine capable of delivering 333 horsepower.

But if you are interested in buying an estate for your family, let me tell you that you can do it with 1BTC, it would be enough for a new apartment something simple in the state of Puebla with a cost of $ 1,400,000 pesos, or a modest apartment in Morelos would have a cost of 1 million pesos.

If you do not plan to buy things with it, and you do not like to work too much, the price of Bitcoin at current levels can give you about 2 years of life in this country without the need to work. Nothing fancy, but a pretty decent life.

I mentioned earlier that you can buy two years of laziness with a BTC, but if you are not lazy, you should know that a Bitcoin can pay 3 years of rent, in a two-bedroom apartment in the center of Mexico City in the Condesa neighborhood. Since the rent per month would be 30 thousand pesos, without problems you could live 3 years in that part of the city, but if you were to live in the state of Mexico you should know that 1BTC could pay you up to 16 years of rent since you could find 2-bedroom apartments at 5,000 pesos per month.

The list could go further, but I suppose you have an idea of ??the intrinsic value of a Bitcoin in Mexico. We live in a relatively cheap country and you can tell it in the BTC prices I have shared above.

By the way, what can you buy with a Bitcoin in your country? Are the prices higher or lower than mine?

Thanks for your attention,

Charles Hernandez.

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