Weekly Blockchain News with Mammycrypto Oct 16 2020

Another week full of major crypto and blockchain headlines.

If you follow my blog, you probably know I am very passionate about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. I live and breath crypto, and while spending most of my time researching the most current topics on social media and crypto headlines around the world, I make sure to curate the most significant ones for you.

Below is a video and a list of headlines and topics that I picked for this week ending today Friday, October 16nd 2020. Hope you enjoy this quick summary and please use the links below to access each article that you interested in reading further. 





Sunday Oct 11 2020: Shenzhen Giving Away Millions in Digital Yuan in Lottery to Boost Consumption, Test Tech: Report - https://www.coindesk.com/shenzhen-giving-away-millions-in-digital-yuan-in-lottery-to-boost-consumption-test-tech-report

Monday Oct 12 2020: Second Ethereum 2.0 launch rehearsal puts it on track for 2020 release -  https://cointelegraph.com/read/second-ethereum-2-0-launch-rehearsal-puts-it-on-track-for-2020-release

Tuesday Oct 13 2020: Cruise Ship "Satoshi" Wants to Enable Off-Grid Living on Bitcoin - btctimes.com/read/cruise-ship-satoshi-wants-to-enable-off-grid-living-on-bitcoin

Wednesday Oct 14 2020: Multiple data points suggest Bitcoin’s 2017-style bull run has begun -  https://cointelegraph.com/read/multiple-data-points-suggest-bitcoins-2017-style-bull-run-has-begun

Thusday Oct 15 2020: Schnorr and Taproot Upgrade Proposal Merged Into Bitcoin Core - https://www.btctimes.com/read/schnorr-taproot-upgrade-merged-into-bitcoin-core

Friday Oct 16 2020: Stablecoin supply has surged past $20 billion, driven by derivatives market - https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/81422/stablecoin-supply-has-surged-past-20-billion-driven-by-derivatives-market

Saturday Oct 17 2020: Enjoy your Saturday!

All my best,

Michelle M.


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