Wealth Consciousness - Spiritual Woo Woo or the Cornerstone to Your Future

The tools, approaches and recommendations seem to be appearing in herds.  Wading through everything is overwhelming and even exhausting when you're first stepping in or operating as an old guard expert.  A foundational component of this entire topic is Wealth Consciousness - Spiritual Woo Woo or the Cornerstone to Your Future!


Starting From Where You Are

Its completely easy to get wrapped up into comparing yourself to where others are at.  Unfortunately it is how most of us are programmed from our earliest memories.

Whether it is being compared to when an older or younger sibling did something as foundational as learn to stand / walk or start speaking to your percentile in your class at nearly every level, we are programmed to compare ourselves to others.

So why wouldn't we do the same thing when it comes to how we engage, what we hold, buy & sell or place our focus on in the crypto space?  Common sense would say that we do exactly what we are programmed to do.



An Alternative to Your Current M.O.

Your Modis Operandi has been developed, in most cases unbeknownst to you, consciously that is, over your life time.  I'm here today to say that there is an alternative.

No powders, pills or potions.  There's no need to light candles and sit for hours on end focusing on your breath. And definitely no chanting, humming or repeating mantras & affirmations.

It's really quite simple;  the power of decision.



Do you remember the first time that you watched a candle close or open and it moved radically?  I mean it moved 10%, 20% or even 30%?

Think about it for a moment and really take your self back to that moment.  I'm sure you could pick plenty of times it happened, but really think for a moment when it sent a shock through your system;  good or bad.

That response your are remembering.  The feeling that is associated with that memory is a programmed response. 

Without diving too deep into the psycho-babble involved, this phenomena most likely stemmed from a place of scarcity.  A 30% increase or drop of any kind represents an appeasement or aggravation of your feelings around scarcity.  

Now hold on to that feeling for just a moment and let's touch on another point.


You Are in Charge

Don't kid yourself, you really are in charge! You have the power and the know-how to manifest your reality right before your very eyes.

All too often we are wrapped up in the incongruence of our thoughts, emotions, actions and feelings.  I bet with that last sentence, you know exactly what I am talking about.

You are thinking that you want to be successful, yet you spent most of your day on the couch watching binge-worthy episodes on Netflix.

Or you spend the better part of a day focused on a conversation with a friend or acquaintance that did not add value to your day and even worse, it completely bombed your energy and sapped your focus.

Don't worry, you're not alone. We have all been there.  If you can't admit that, then I bet you lie about other stuff in your life too.


The Power of Now

Don't worry, I have not forgotten about that elevated emotion of the 30% drop.  It zings you and the feeling of scarcity is triggered.

This has been programmed into your M.O. for sometime.  You have also been reminded here that you're the CEO or you.  Your the captain of your own ship.  You have the power to change your present reality with a decision.

If you think about it most decisions that you or anyone else have ever made is truly made in an instant.  The time leading up to an actual decision is what takes the lion share of our focus and energy.

So with all of this being said and put down, it sure seems to me that if you need a course correction it comes down to a decision which can be made in an instant moment in time.  AND you can do it Now!


2021 and Beyond

As we continue to wind down 2020 and look to 2021 and Beyond, I have no doubt that the 30% retracements and lunar trajectories will continue.

The charts are proving out that way.  The social platforms are also moving in that direction if you're able to take a deep breath and really take a look at them with a calm and unsuspecting eye.

All of this boils down to great things to come in the next 6, 12, 18 months. 

Remember you are the CEO of you.