Uplift Art Feed The Children NFT Charity DROP

The November 15th Uplift Art Series One Drop Event is fast approaching. As this is not your average drop or collectors pitch in the WAX NFT space we thought it imperative to go through a little more information. In partnering with Atomic Assets and utilizing their expertise in this area we have in tandem pioneered a new model where by all crates will be pre-minted. However we have decided to keep with the gamification of the aspect and introduce some ways to upgrade rarity levels through swapping out and burn mechanisms as well as a minting out some mythic cards in #TheMintSprint on demand via various choices collectors can make. For more insight on this check out the video below.

To participate in DROP Series One event please go to https://uplift.art/

For ongoing promotions and Giveaways on Telegram visit https://t.me/upliftart

To learn more and see the the Community Crates head on over to https://uplift.art/community-edition/

For this Series One Drop Event Uplift Art in association with Upliftnation is looking to help out the charity Haitian Roots in their quest to feed and educate the less fortunate children in Haiti. For more on Haitian Roots please check out their homepage, but in a nut shell Haitian Roots has as their core mission the focus of changing Haiti’s future education.

“Why education? Haiti is the poorest country in the West and it costs about $600/year for a child to attend school. However, the average family of 6 earns less than $500/year. When an individual is illiterate, they do not have the basic skills that a quality education offers and are often condemned to a life of poverty, ill health, and social exclusion. The good news is that education beats poverty. Children who attend school are not only healthier, better-nourished, and live more prosperous lives, but they become aware of their own potential in the world and are equipped with the life skills necessary to thrive in society”

To learn more about and keep updated with what is going on with Uplift.art and Upliftnation please follow, like, and subscribe to the links above or reach out to us in our telegram channels should you have any questions.



The Uplifter

*This post was reposted from the original here written by the same author of this blog for educational and promotional purposes.  Your support of both Upliftnation and UpliftArt are greatly appreciated.