Update on Pi Network

As many of you know that Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 25 million members worldwide. This is the digital currency you can mine on your phone. All you need to do is you need to open the app once in 24 hours for the uninterrupted pi coin mining. 

One can mine with Pi coin with a smartphone.

This has compared to the good olden days where the Bitcoin was launched. 

As per their roll out plans, The Pi Network has launched the Mainnet.

PI network has recently launched the Mainnet  initializing the enclosed Network period for their Mainnet phase. Two new Pi white paper sections explaining how mining and supply will work in Mainnet have also been released. 

You can explore the Pi browser and to access the wallet. 

So far, they are rolling out as per the plan. 

The maximum supply of the Pi coins would be 100 billion.  So far 30 million pioneers are engaged. 80% would be allocated to the community.

There is a chance to increase the mining of Pi.

Make sure to do the KYC which can be done in the upcoming days which would be much more important.

Once it comes to the open market, there are more prospects!

If you are not mining the Pi coins through the Pi Android app, please explore it.

You can click the following link and start mining, after all it is free and nothing would harm your smart phone. You can start mining by entering the invitation code mraj80 with the app. 


You can explore more on Pi Network browse their website at https://minepi.com/