Up Close & Personal Ruleset Battle Mage Secrets | Splinterlands #325

This week’s battle mage secrets focuses on the Up Close & Personal Ruleset.

Ruleset Details

The Up Close & Personal ruleset only allows melee monsters in battle. Now don’t get me wrong losing range and magic monsters sounds like a bad idea and most of the time it is, but this ruleset is all dependent on what other rulesets get paired with it. When Up Close & Personal is paired with rulesets that enable backline monsters to attack (e.g., Super Sneak or Melee Mayhem), then it simplifies your strategy. However, that’s the beauty of this ruleset – it offers a lot of variety and requires all players to think about their line-up composition. Abilities like Demoralize, Thorns, Shield, Heal, Tank Heal, Reach, Sneak, and Opportunity all become very important and if you have summoners that provide these abilities (e.g., Possibilus the Wise) it will help you. But as I said, it all depends on the rulesets that are combined with Up Close & Personal, as it can wildly change your strategy and approach to the battle.

Battle – Full Battle History

Battle Details

  • Mana Cap: 25
  • Ruleset(s): Earthquake, Rise of the Commons, Up Close & Personal

Line-up Details

  • Tyrus Paladium (summoner): +1 armor to all friendly monsters.
  • Mycelic Morphoid + Furious Chicken: sacrificial monsters taking up the first and last slot in the backline to serve as bait for Sneak/Opportunity monsters. 
  • Cocatrice: support melee + Flying ability.
  • Nectar Queen + Pelacor Mercenary: primary melee tanks +  Flying ability.
  • Screeching Vulture: support melee damage able to attack from backline due to Opportunity ability.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

This battle illustrates the importance are ruleset combination, especially in Up Close & Personal battles. The trio of rulesets namely, Earthquake, Rise of the Commons and Up Close & Personal set the stage. The norm is to deploy Flying monsters to offset any damage from the Earthquake and thankfully had enough Flying monsters to deploy in battle. I came up against an opponent who had more firepower and was higher levelled but had no counter to the Earthquake damage. The Flying ability came in clutch for the majority of the team being able to evade the Earthquake damage. Also, the Nectar Queen was able to dodge multiple hits and deal lots of damage and the victory was surprisingly secured.

Do You Like the Up Close & Personal Ruleset? Why or Why Not?

I have written before about not enjoying restrictive rulesets as it places too much emphasis on having a huge SPLINTERLANDS collection to offset the restrictive rulesets. But, of late I have been starting to enjoy them for what they are – opportunities to learn new strategies and approaches to battles. Also, I have been getting back hugely into the roguelikes and roguelites genre of games and there are many parallels to splinterlands and these sub-genres of games. Anyways, back to the ruleset – the restriction of only being able to play melee monsters in this ruleset depends on a variety of factors such as the combination of rulesets, the daily focus, and the size of your splinterlands collection. This variability does keep things fresh and therefore this ruleset gets a thumbs up from me!

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Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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