Untold Story of Unpland

Do you know what monopoly is? Come on, give an answer in your own mind. That's right my friend, monopoly is a game that turns dreams for pleasure in gaming. You have to pass through all the existing squares, get rewards, punishments, or buy property in various countries.

Can you imagine how to own property in many countries with transactions using play money? That was back then, when we seduced ourselves to dream and have fun. However, the monopoly has changed.

Three people who like the game of monopoly, Dirk Lueth, Mani Honigstein and Idan Zuckerman get an idea that is unusual, bright, and comes from the future. The idea is to make players have money that can actually be used as a transaction tool, money from the future, namely digital currency.

I imagined when the three genius boys were playing monopoly at one of their regular cafe. This is dialogue with an imaginary type or something that comes from my imagination as a writer. Remember that, my friends.

Dirk: Mani, Idan, let's have coffee

Mani: wait a minute, I have to invest in the crypto market, I'll be there.

Idan: Ok Mani, come on Dirk, let's order the place and the regular menu.

Then Dirk and Idan headed to the cafe and ordered coffee and some snacks. Before an hour of waiting, Mani was at the scene.

Mani: what are you doing? Just looking at the news.

Dirk: why? Reading news is good, you must know the latest news before investing

Idan: never mind, don't argue, let's just play monopoly.

Mani: That's the good one, I ordered coffee, we will open the monopoly.

Once they play monopoly every afternoon after work time. They talk about investing in certain stocks and potential types of crypto. One night, these three people had to refrain from returning to their respective homes.

Mani: I'm tired of playing this monopoly. We've done this many times.

Dirk: yes, this is a game that makes you dream of owning property all over the world.

Idan: why, tell me, did your investment suffer a loss?

Mani: No, that's not it, I was just thinking if this monopoly could become a real game.

Idan: hahahaha, you mean we buy real property?

Mani: Not really, but almost like that.

Dirk: Yes, we have made a monopoly application and players will get money, how about that

Mani: That's it

Dirk: is my answer correct?

Mani says I will find someone to make this dream come true

Idan: I will look for someone who can combine games, buy property, and earn money.

On that day, they already had an idea and how to combine a game with a blockchain system that would generate some money for the players. at one point in time, these three people were asked by the developers of a monopoly system based on blockchain technology.

"The system is complete, what's the name of this game, it's impossible to use the name monopoly?"

The three of them try to find a name that is quite unique and attracts attention.

"How about The Real Monopoly"

"Ah, but there is the word monopoly"

"How about a property game"

“Ahh, this is not a game for investors, imagine if only children and students played this game. A name that is not a recommendation for me "

"You have up first, I bought land to build property on your land"

"Up and Land?"


Finally, they agreed to name Upland for the name of the game and the three of them used the name Uplandme. Maybe it is the hidden story behind Upland's name. I don't know exactly how the name of this game came about. However, we can consider the story above.


Two words that become one, up and land become upland. What is the meaning behind the upland? I haven't got the history of this name. Honestly, I'm new to Upland and just downloaded and signed up for Upland.

However, I will try to give consideration to Upland's philosophy. When you play monopoly, you will see several countries that you can visit after rolling the dice. There are many rules, but the general rule is that you can buy property on land you own in several countries. You can buy houses, hotels and so on. When other players stop on your land. Then, the player must pay the rent money for stopping in an area that is yours.

The bottom line is that you buy land and build property on that land, then people pay rent to you. Likewise with UPLAND.

UPLAND is a game where you will own land and buy property. Land that must have an increasing value. Of course the land must have property built on that land. Land that continues to grow in size and distribution, as well as land that we can use to build property, is UPLAND.

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