
Yes dude, it's about you - the Hodler.

This is a praise for your strength, even if the conditions were not too good to watch your investment's wallet.

Not once, your portfolio dumped not at half, but a sixth from it's value, then going up again to have another peak to fall...

It's not easy at all. Many of your mates abandoned the fight and sold their coins, mostly in the hard times. That's why is a quote, I think, form Warren Buffet - who says something like - the fortune is transferred to the people with patience from the ones who doesn't.

He also said that the first condition for being a hodler (well, not exactly with these words) is to invest in something that is worth it by fundamentals, not only by rumors or a certain emulation in a market. In this way, you have more chance for price to go up finally.

That's why I'm considering you are a such a person to admire!

I am trying to be like you. Of course, I missed some trains, but maybe I will catch another.

In the meantime, be patient and keep your will straight!

My article's idea came after watching the story of this man:


He is one of the many who needed to fight for his life and humanity and he survived despite of all that impediments: floating on a boat for 7 weeks, with no food and water, chased by Japanese planes and sharks, then captured by a Nippon ship and taken to a concentration camp for few years, humiliated and beaten...

Falling to knees doesn't mean you are already defeated. You can rise from there and fight back with your will. Never forget your goals. Go to them!

Be strong!

I will be with you!