Twitter CEO gives security tips for Bitcoin

Bitcoin's big bull rally continues, with the cryptomone currency reaching historic highs almost daily. This has attracted thousands of people around the world, who have started to invest in cryptoactives in order to take advantage of the sector's profits. This has motivated Jack Dorsey, crypto-influencer and CEO of Twitter, to give security advice for Bitcoin in the Tweet of the Day:

Bitcoin's main goal since its inception has been to give people back power over the international monetary system. However, along with power comes greater responsibility. Because, unlike traditional banking, when it comes to buying and storing Bitcoins, we crypto users are solely responsible for the security of our money. There is no institution to complain to if something happens to our BTCs.

That's why it's so important to spread information about the subject, so that crypto users are aware of the challenges and security measures they can implement to protect their money. An effort in which Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and a well-known Bitcoin enthusiast, has begun to collaborate.

Thus, through his Twitter account, Jack Dorsey has shared a link to a web page with 11 simple security tips to protect your Bitcoins.

Within the website you can find tips ranging from keeping your security measures simple, links to useful content to protect your crypto currencies, and even suggestions with wallets for different operating systems.

In this way, with the simple message "Security Guide for Bitcoin", the Twitter CEO gives advice through a simple, but important, guide to keeping you safe in the crypt world.

Which, thanks to the reach of Dorsey's Twitter account, will probably reach millions of people around the world. Showing not only the Twitter CEO's commitment to crypto world. But also the power of social networks for the expansion of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies.