Trust wallet at it again. TWT is live and tradable | Get yours now

After the end of their airdrop, the long awaited token went live and tradable.

This token was first announced in the second quarter of the year as it became the indigenous airdrop used to attract users to trust wallet. After a while, a bigger airdrop was announced at binance, calling people around the world to join.

This offer was made for both new and existing users until the end date.

current market price of TWT ($0.048)

Today, the trust wallet token is live and tradable.

Does it means that the mining of TWT is over?


You can mine the token by joining via an invite link form an existing user.

Yes, an existing user where both of you will earn when you trade at least, 50 dollars in crypto(s).

Use my link below to join and earn.

Tomorrow may be too late

Join here 

Remember: Trust wallet has alliance with BINANCE and you can trade your TWT to BNB.

Happy new month and have a wonderful day