Torque Wallet Is Real Life Crypto Magic.

There's literally a machine out there that can, as far as I'm concerned, make crypto for you out of thin-air.

You may or may not have heard about this virtual money machine; it's called Torque Trading Systems. To keep this simple, I will talk about the benefits and non-benefits (cause honestly, "disadvantages" wouldn't work here) of holding your crypto in Torque.

Also, I encourage you to leave a comment about your awesome experience with Torque! If you're interested, I'll include my referral code at the very end.

Notice: there are some countries where Torque is "not available". Some for obvious reasons, others it's not obvious why. I'll leave a list of countries where Torque is "not available" under the pros & cons section.


There is a highly professional, verifiable, international team behind Torque.

Torque is the brainchild of a man from Singapore named Bernard Ong. I have read about him from other crypto writers who have met him, and so far I have not read a single negative comment about him. Apparently, he made his bones in crypto by developing AI trading systems for large-volume trading firms, and eventually developed Torque, which is somewhat of a crowdfunded pool that uses "arbitrage and scalping" techniques to squeeze little but consistent gains out of our pooled tokens, then distributing those gains to the users. The distribution occurs every night (in my time zone).

They have a moderated and active online community for news, questions, and even shopping.

Their Telegram group has 2k members, with a few moderators active 24/7 to ensure the safety of participants and also to answer any questions. The other fellow users will usually always chime in with their answers or opinions too. Bernard Ong is on the group himself, and we'll usually hear directly from him with any major announcements (Group chat URL in comments). And of course, if you have any questions you can leave a comment and I'll get back to you. My first point of contact was a nice and helpful chap who I met online, named Mat. He helped answer my questions when I was first getting interested, and recently was able to give me some suggestions on a policy change I read about.

I should also mention that on the app itself, there are games and portals for shopping a variety of items (Torque Mall) and even a travel portal (Torque Travel, coming soon). These purchases through the app can be paid in their ERC-20 stable token, called TORQ (each valued at 5 US pennies).

Free Money! (or in this case, crypto)

The amount that you can earn in one day will vary based on a few simple factors: your investment amount, the price of your token, and system performance that day.

It can be used with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Tether, and Bitcoin Cash (BCH very recently added).

The way it works is very simple: 1. deposit the min. amount into your Torque trading wallet address. 2. wait 24-48 hours for the first payment. 3. receive your payment in TORQ tokens. 4. select to compound your earnings back into your trading wallet (TORQ conversion to BTC, ETH, etc) 5. get paid again every 24 hours.

Minimum Entry Requirement: 

.02 BTC, 1 ETH, 1.2 BCH, 5 LTC, or 250 USDT. 



The withdrawal fees vary based on which token you trade, but I think these fees are very minimal compared to the huge earning potential.

BTC .0005, ETH .012, LTC .001, USDT 10, BCH .004

On top of this, there may be fees for transferring your crypto out of your exchange, therefore, always send a little bit above the minimum amount, just for good measure.

I personally sent exactly .02 out of my exchange, and had to acquire more Bitcoin and send again because my amount was less than minimum from the first send. :p


Since Torque essentially pools all of our tokens and uses it as leverage, these trading sessions happen as cycles, and to withdraw your funds you would have to wait until the cycle finishes. It's not a horribly long time; just a day. But compared to transferring Bitcoin in 20 minutes from your wallet to a friend across the globe, then it does takes just a little while longer.


Torque recently implemented a KYC (know your customer) process that will essentially verify user identity per wallet. I don't think this was due to any negative reasons at all; I suspect that it was due to customers potentially taking advantage of the system (p.s. this is pure speculation). Regardless of the reason, Torque has decided to implement this and according to them "build trust" among the worldwide community and the crypto-sphere. I personally do not agree and wish that Torque had not decided to implement KYC, but I will follow through with this policy, as I deeply value their work.

From Torque's launch until the first week of October, anybody in the world could download and use Torque, but after the first week of October, when KYC is implemented, I believe that Torque may halt its services to users in certain nations where it is "not available" (as I mentioned before). Therefore, I recommend that if you choose to experiment with Torque, keep this in mind, especially if your residence is in one of those mentioned.

(p.s. I'll update you in the comments or another article after KYC has been implemented)

Disclaimer, Torque "not available" in these countries: USA, China, Singapore, Bahamas, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, among others. Ask in comments if you wonder about your country, I'll check!

I'm from the US (California, baby!) but was super lucky to get in at a time when the service was available to Americans.

All In All

I think Torque is one of the best investments out there that can actually be considered magic; and I'm very lucky to have received this opportunity from a dude I met by chance on Facebook! (literally, I was just browsing and made a little joke on Mat's comment, and eventually joined his personal crypto group, and started from there). Luckily for you, you do not have to encounter this opportunity by mere chance (assuming that this gets good publicity on Publish0x, which is another very amazing crypto opportunity!) I have been using Torque for about two months now and have received returns every day, except for the initial 2-day wait, and compound them regularly into the trading pool. Below this paragraph I'll leave a screenshot of how the app looks when I receive the deposit. And in case you were wondering, my starting amount was the very bare minimum, but definitely plan to multiply my investment once the KYC process settles and I get my hands on more Bitcoin. Please feel free to ask questions about the experience! I will leave links to the Telegram group, Torque website, and other revelant sources.

All BAT from this article will be tipped back to PUBLISH0X through BRAVE Browser! 

Also, lets spread the good karma and vibes by using my referral link (= I guarantee you, we'll be in this together.

CivilWar's Referral Code: 176289713