Top crypto news: 02/28

Let’s find out some interesting crypto news for today.

SuperFarm Taps Animoca Brands Partnership To Empower Exclusive NFT Drops and Farms

SuperFarm partnered with NFT powerhouse Animoca Brands to launch drops and farms. Moreover, Animoca Brands is investing and transforming the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and digital collectible space. Their investments include NBA Topshot and other top brands including Disney, Marvel, and many more. As per the tweet, Animoca will attract mainstream audiences through its exclusive NFT farms and drops, which will launch by using SuperFarm’s protocol. In addition, the Animoca team also has plans to launch its latest project, LYMPO, to SuperFarm. This innovative token will empower the tokenizing and trading of sports icons.

Mogul | Polygon Partnership To Transform Film Financing With DeFi Integration

Mogul partnered with Polygon to improve the Mogul user’s experience and transform film financing. Moreover, Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that uses blockchain technology to unite creators, movie fans, and film financiers. Besides this, it will use the utility token (STARS) to reward users for participation and engagement in key decisions relating to production. As per the tweet, Mogul’s platform users now enjoy an easy-to-use interface that has fast and secure transaction speed with low gas fees. Additionally, this will help Mogul to bring DeFi to the film industry, while Mogul will operate as a validator and support the Polygon network as well as help in verifying transactions.

PARSIQ | Solana Integration To Enhance Automation on PARSIQ Platform

PARSIQ announces its integration with the Solana blockchain to bring Smart Triggers to even more of the crypto world. As per the tweet, this integration connects on-chain events to off-chain actions which provide developers the possibility to automate workflows. Further, it will also create different ways to interact with real-world applications in a cost-effective manner. Besides this, Solana network users can enjoy all the benefits from the PARSIQ ecosystem, including using their own programmable data storage. Additionally, the team has created a gateway setup that ensures real-time speed to notify users about real-time events in the network.

Ergo Skyrocketed Over 400% in a Few Weeks With the Launch of SigmaUSD Stablecoin

Last on our crypto news list is Ergo, which announced the launch of a community deployed stablecoin named SigmaUSD. As per the official blog, the Ergo Foundation, EMURGO, and IOG created this crypto-backed stablecoin protocol on top of the Ergo Blockchain. Moreover, Sigma is the core of this protocol which empowers Ergo’s cryptography and smart contracts. Hence, after a community-wide vote, it was decided to name this stablecoin as SigmaUSD and SigmaRSV for the reservecoin. Impressively, these two tokens are 100% native assets they are composable with any future DeFi dApp.

Recently, the team has launched the Ergo DeFi dApp in the Ergo ecosystem, and just holding ERG empowers this ecosystem. Notably, the SigmaUSD dApp has managed to collect over $1.5 million dollars worth of Ergs within 12 hours of the website launch, which is currently over $2.30 million.

At the time of publication, Ergo is trading close to $3.46. It has a maximum supply of 97.7 million ERG coins. At the start of this month, it was trading close to $0.80, and from there, Ergo rallied hard and made a high of $3.87, which is amounted to an over 400% return in just 27 days.