Top 3 ways to earn BCH without buying it

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is one of the coins you should definitely have in your portfolio.

If you're still not sure if including BCH in your portfolio is a good idea, I invite you to read my previous post, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) fundamental analysis and price prediction for 2021-2025 as part of your normal DYOR process.

Ok. With that out of the way, let me share with you the top 3 ways you can earn BCH without buying it with cash.


3 ways to earn BCH




Let's take a closer look at each of them below.


1. Earn BCH on is a blogging platform that pays writers in BCH for publishing useful and interesting content.

I have written the most comprehensive review on the internet (in my mind). You can find it HERE.

Basically, the way this works is this:

  • You publish content on any topic that you have something useful and interesting to say. This content could be videos (hosted on video platforms like Lbry and embedded on, photos, or text-based.

  • There's over $1 million of BCH in the reward pool of which $500 is distributed among the writers daily. This is also the primary out of the 3 ways to earn BCH on the site. This 500 is distributed as a tip by TheRandomRewarder bot to posts it finds interesting. So your job is to write something good and the bot will tip you.

  • Secondly, other members of the platform who enjoys your work may tip you BCH from their own wallet or become your sponsor with a monthly contribution to you. When you become popular, these individual tips and sponsorships can add up to become a reasonable source of revenue for you on the platform.

Your earnings are deposited directly into your wallet so the project team never holds your coins.

However, the platform is not decentralized (it wasn't designed to be) as contents are stored on centralized servers.


2. Earn BCH on

The same developers of the READ.CASH platform created in late December 2020.

I consider these two platforms some of the "wonders of BCH" if there's anything like that. is a social media platform that rewards members with tips in BCH. The platform is similar to Twitter but far better and more engaging (at least for me).

I don't have the most comprehensive review of the platform yet but this is how it works:

  • You register as a user and post short, useful and interesting stuff.

  • The platform gives you free BCH (FreeTips) with which you can use to tip any post you find interesting. No! you can't tip yourself, ut you can keep a percentage of the FreeTip for yourself whenever you tip someone. And that's one way you earn BCH on the platform.

  • The second way you earn is that other members who find your own posts interesting will tip you with their FreeTips allocation and keep some for themselves as well.

  • More so, anybody can tip any other member with BCH directly from an external wallet using the QR Code feature.

Consistently pushing out useful and interesting content on the platform could net you hundreds of tips that could add up to significant amounts over time, especially as the price of BCH also rises.


3. faucet is a kind of BCH faucet that lets you create a short address like to use in receiving tips on social media platforms instead of the usual long BCH wallet address.

Interestingly, this project was created by the same team behind the aforementioned two.

These guys are out to change some people's lives and are already doing it with their various projects using BCH.

The service is still very new as it was introduced recently on March 23, 2021. But it's also very simple and here's how it works.

  • You go to the website, click Get Started and then click create a page.

  • Enter your preferred username (for me I used CST) and provide your Bitcoin Cash wallet address to link with your username and click the Create button.

  • When you make a post on Twitter using the hashtag #bitcoincash and include your page link e.g. the faucet will automatically tip you with BCH directly into your linked BCH wallet.

Isn't that awesome?

The idea of the faucet was to support those who are supporting and promoting BCH on the supported social media networks.

So if you love BCH, this is the time to promote it even more on Twitter and everywhere you can.



You will notice that on all three platforms, none is custodial. That means none of them holds your coins for you, not even for a millisecond.

All your earnings are credited directly into your self-managed wallet in real-time and on-chain.

Moreso, only BCH is supported on these platforms and it's absolutely free to earn with your time and brain.

Don't wait another minute to create your accounts on these platforms and start earning BCH from today.


Which of these platforms are you already earning BCH from? Share with us in the comments section below.