Took Remi To The Vet, Earned Bitcoin

Last week I had earned roughly 2,000 Satoshi for taking my fur baby to the groomers. This week, I earned 2,928 Satoshi for taking him to the vet!

By utilizing my FOLD debit card and taking advantage of their generous spin wheel, any purchase over $3.00 gives me a chance to earn major bitcoin rewards! Don't worry though, I am not here to shill Fold or Bitcoin. I simply want to share the adventure from today while still relating the event to crypto in some way.

So far in my Fold account, I have about $78 worth of Bitcoin. I'm not sure what amount I am going to grow that to, but once I figure out a goal amount I will then send the funds to BlockFi where they will earn 6% interest, compounded monthly! I'm all about reasonable and sustainable yield farming. I don't mind taking a lower rate if it means less risk for my assets. (I have not tried any high-yield projects, but that FARM token is looking mighty interesting right about now...)

All these purchases I have been making with my new debit card could have been made on my credit card which would earn me 2% cashback, but there is a thrill with spinning the Fold wheel in hopes of earning a great reward. I mean, there is a 0.01% chance to earn an entire Bitcoin, so why not at least try?

Now as for my old guy Remi, I'll gladly show all the pictures from today's adventure. The appointment was early in the morning so of course, he did not want to get out of bed. The best way to entice him is by going down to the kitchen and opening the lid on the peanut butter jar, he will hop out of bed instantly and be at your feet in a few seconds. This is the strategy I normally use when I go to work at 5:30 am and I need to get him downstairs and GATE off the upstairs portion of the house. I can't have him wandering around too much while I am gone!

Then comes the task of wrestling him into a harness. Around the house, he is free to roam without a harness or collar, so this is something he isn't used to but he recognizes this ritual means he is going to be getting into a car soon! Once he is in the harness though, he calms down and is much easier to handle. By the point, it is time to get into the car and prepare for a 15-minute car ride. Lucky for me, Remi is an angel in the car, so I don't usually have too much trouble.

Vets are doing curbside service so when I arrived I had to call and then the techs came and got Remi. (He was a little too eager to go with the random stranger... Suspicious! LOL.) It was only a 20-minute visit, so I didn't have to wait too long. Heck, I think I even posted on a bit while he was in there. When he got out, I was happy to be informed that he had lost 2 pounds since last time, so he is on his way to being a somewhat healthy weight. I'd been limiting his food and roasting up veggies for him more often, and I guess it has paid off!

Because he got a few shots, he is completely worn out and tired, so I've left him a blanket nest to relax on for the rest of the day. You know, sometimes it is tough being a squishy little Puggle.