TokenPay Payment Gateway – A Decentralised Payment Platform

The vision of TokenPay is to constitute a blockchain-based bank, covering all aspects of cryptography and security that will bring by the technology. Its cryptocurrency will use dual-key stealth addresses. These types of addresses enable the user to display or share their address publicly; however, any transaction to or from the address cannot be linked back to it.

The blockchain will work with a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, which means that anyone locking their composed coins to prove their fidelity will be honored with an annual 5% yield. What really distinguishes TokenPay from other so-called incognito cryptocurrency networks is that they will employ Tor networks for maximum security and anonymousness. As a result, this network materialized with both Tor and dual key, is profoundly serious about what anonymousness really means.

The TokenPay merchant platform is an entirely practical and easy to use payment solution that empowers businesses to accept crypto for their services. This extension enables us to assimilate an actual e-commerce website of magneto with their service. Incorporating the augmentation adds new payment option to the customer’s checkout procedure. When customer wants to make a payment, he/she will get a screen in which he/she has to do a payment and will get QR code with a wallet address.

He/she will select one of the assets that we agreed to use for payment, scan the QR, or send the right amount to the screen’s address. Cryptocurrency is a fast and forward way to pay for services. TokenPay and/or its merchant do not have the protection of our property. Once we enter your profile’s wallet addresses, the coins are sent to our wallet while paying the customer. They only conduct the transaction via their nodes so that they can connect the payment data and keep it as a track record for us.

With the help of the TokenPay Payment Gateway for Magento Store, we can start accepting Bitcoin, Litecoin and TPAY. This assimilation enables their customers to pay for services and provides us with a clear and acceptable way to track these payouts and have all we need about transactions in your TokenPay merchant account Data.

How is the TCT differ from the TPAY coin?

TCT is an ETH-based administration token, providing anything with the TPAY. With respect to the conception of the administration panel, the holder will be able to propose and vote on each situation of the product and its uplift. Even though they are the product developer, its upcoming prospects will be determined by TCT’s voting decisions.

TPAY is a cryptocurrency that was developed in 2017. More than a million transactions appeared to be refined on this blockchain without any type of security circumstance or setback.

They have already done enlargement and marketing of this blockchain and rebranded TPAY Secure. Derek was mostly fixated on adopting merchant processing. However, they think the best fortuity is a specific gaming payment gateway, such as TPAY Checkout.


TPAY Checkout is a gaming particular payment gateway, which presently backing 16 different cryptocurrencies, including the TPAY blockchain coin. There are also numerously incorporating traditional options. Work continues as they continue our industry-leading operators Gamecloud turnkey online casinos, sportsbooks, and poker platforms. The platform works well on all screens, including their mobile apps. It presently has no fee structure. The imminent authorization may regulate the direction and expansion priorities of this protocol.