Tips to make more on Brave

Yes that’s right, a pun in the title to get things started.

Now pay attention.. ?????

So you have BRAVE installed on numerous devices, perhaps you subconsciously check sites just knowing an ad may appear. Or you’re so used to using Brave that never comes into mind.

Here’s a couple of ideas I’ve explored and they work, depending on what you are whiling to let go of or change.

  • Delete apps you really don’t need to use so long as they work just as well in Brave. For example I deleted the Guardian news app and then tip them occasionally from the extra BAT I earn another being the Reddit app.

    (Tip: Check your usage stats on your phone / device for example and see which apps you use the most).

  • If you’re multi tasking, such as video editing full screen, why not use Desktops feature on your MacBook for example to have brave open while listening to Soundcloud or YouTube. Apple Support Page
  • This one may be obvious to a lot of you but I’m surprised how many I see on forums. Change the settings in your browser to show 5 per hour. This doesn’t guarantee 5 would be shown depending on many variables but it helps if you’re in a region with many ads available and high  usage. See the transparency page for more info. Brave Transparency Page
  • Become a Brave creator!

    This is one part of Brave I’ve only really used a little. If you create your own content on YouTube, Twitch, GitHub or have your own website you can take advantage of opening up a new potential revenue stream. I’ve seen many more (Near 500k) YouTube creators using this option and tip them quite frequently myself. I have used this only for Reddit, enabling the feature I’m able to receive tips on Reddit from other Brave users. Check here for more info: Brave Creator

There’s a few ideas I thought I’d share, I’m sure there may be more out there so please share if so. This is my first post so I’ll be spending more time creating much higher content posts with blockchain related projects I’m interested in or even taking part in. So bear with me if you feel this content isn't that great, I will have a lot more to add! Thanks. ??