Tips for all of us to be more cyber secure

There are many cybersecurity aspects we cannot control in our digital world.

It can make anyone feel powerless. But we can control how we act and the decisions we make as we interact online. Secure behaviors are tremendously powerful when it comes to remaining safe and avoiding widespread attacks such as phishing, ransomware, email/web distributed malware, and other nasty things that bite.


  1. Don't open attachments or click on links in emails or texts from untrusted senders
  2. Don't install applications from untrusted sites. Always go to the developer's site to download
  3. Make sure your system and apps are fully patched
  4. Never give anyone your login credentials (passwords)
  5. Don't share your personal or private information with others (ex. birthdate)
  6. Don't navigate to suspicious websites or click on untrusted links
  7. Always use strong unique passwords and never reuse them anywhere
  8. Employ second-factor or multi-factor authentication on valuable accounts (banks, crypto exchanges, etc.)
  9. Be suspicious of offers and deals that seem too good to be true. They are likely scams


Being cybersecurity savvy is one of the biggest things that each of us can do to significantly enhance our personal security, privacy, and safety.