Three-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Says She Just Bought Some Bitcoin

Christie Pearce Rampone, a three-time Olympic gold medalist and two-time World Cup Champion, just told her followers on Twitter that she picked up some Bitcoin BUY NOW.

In a recent tweet, she relays to her fans that she had a conversation with the CEO of BINANCE America, Catherine Coley. Because of that conversation, she was convinced to pick up some of the leading cryptocurrency for the first time.

Rampone is a professional American soccer player who commonly plays defense. With 311 caps, she is the second most-capped player in world history.

Athletes are jumping onboard Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies more and more as of late. The wave really began in 2019 which saw a surge of endorsements. In April of this year, former NBA player Kris Humphries voiced his support for Chainlink (LINK) on Twitter.

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Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Trading View and Twitter.