These Are The Top Locations For Bitcoin ATMs Around The World

Bitcoin (BTC) ATMs have been expanding during the last few years thanks to different companies that deployed these ATM machines in different cities. 

The interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies helped to promote these ATMs and surpass the 6,000 units around the world. In this article, we will explore which are the top countries in terms of Bitcoin ATMs. 

Bitcoin ATMs Worldwide

According to data provided by Coin ATM Radar, there are now more than 6,000 cryptocurrency ATMs all over the world. 

The United States is a clear leader with 4125 ATMs located in different cities throughout the country. Canada is the second country with the largest number of Bitcoin ATMs with 729 machines. The United Kingdom comes in third position with 295 ATMs installed in the country. 

The month with the largest increase in new ATMs was the whole month of July this year. There were 302 new ATMs deployed around the world. 

Almost 77% of all the Bitcoin ATMs are located in North America with the United States accounting for 65.4% of all the ATMs worldwide. Canada has 10.9% crypto ATMs located in the country. 

Europe as a whole has 19.5% of all the cryptocurrency ATMs with the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and the Czech Republic being the countries with the largest number of ATMs installed. 

Asia accounts for just 2% of the world’s crypto ATMs. Only 43 of these machines are located in Hong Kong. South America accounts for 84 machines, most of them located in Colombia and Argentina with 57 and 11 ATMs respectively. 

According to Coin ATM Radar, 9.3 Cryptocurrency ATMs are installed each day. There are different companies participating in the market and offering a wide range of solutions. 

Almost 100% of the machines accept Bitcoin purchases while many others include other cryptocurrencies. Of the 6003 ATMs worldwide, 5999 offer Bitcoin support, 4101 Litecoin (LTC) support and 3565 Ether (ETH) support. 

Other cryptocurrencies accepted include Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with 2053 ATMs, Dash with 1304, Monero (XMR) with 206 and Zcash with 86 ATMs distributed around the world. Surprisingly, there are 64 machines supporting Dogecoin (DOGE). 

A larger number of cryptocurrency ATMs would be very positive for the whole cryptocurrency market in the future. With a halving going to take place in May 2020, the interest for cryptocurrencies could grow once again. If that happens, there will be more fiat-to-crypto gateways located all around the world. 

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