The Road To 1 Bitcoin Cash - My Journey So Far

So, I joined READ.CASH three weeks ago, and 22 posts and approximately 25,000 words later, I am already holding almost 0.5 BCH earned through tips, mainly from @TheRandomRewarder . I have also managed to gather 72 followers and almost 700 views so far, and it goes without saying that I am more than grateful for the support I have received. I will certainly keep doing my best to provide original, exclusive content for our readers, because it's safe to say that I have been having a wonderful time on the platform.

To be perfectly honest, a small percentage of my BCH has been earned through microblogging on is where I got to know about in the first place, by one of my followers who was actively contributing to the platform, so after visiting the website and doing a little research, I realized that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get started and provide exclusive content. I am a firm believer in BCH's bright future, as there are many reasons as to why many consider Bitcoin Cash to be the legitimate continuation of the Bitcoin project, and if you ask me, the coin is highly undervalued at the moment of speaking.

To me, Bitcoin Cash is the train I never really missed, still waiting for me at the station. It is the opportunity I have been looking for to make up for not paying close attention to the cryptocurrency industry back when it was still in its infancy stage, even though many believe that it still is. The token is much more flexible than BTC, and serves as a much better option if you are looking to build websites and applications that tip users and function based on the economy of microtransactions. In other words, it is what BTC was meant to be as we are heading towards a digitized future.

In the image below you can see the all-time price history chart. As you can see, we are currently below the ATH, and therefore, BCH is still a great opportunity if you're looking to get some serious return on investment. We don't even have to witness new ATHs, and if you ask me, we certainly will. BCH has the potential to explode and reach new highs when the time comes, so be thankful you're into it and seize the opportunity while you still can. That's what I am planning to do.

BCH price history chartSome details about BCHMore technical detailsAnd more


In the images above, you can read some enlightening details as to why we're talking about a unique project with a bright future ahead. You can make what you wish of it, but don't say I didn't warn you. Of course, this is by no means financial advice, but it is certainly what I say to the people in my environment that I really care about. And yes, I always advise everyone to do their own research when it comes to investing, but I can't hide the fact that I am extremely bullish on BCH.

The signs are there, and if you read between the lines, you will reach the conclusion tht Bitcoin Cash is a huge opportunity to improve your financial situation and create a better future for you and yours. Keep your eyes open and grab as much as you can. And of course, hold it for dear life and don't even think about trading it for crypto or fiat. In less than a decade, you won't even have to cash out in order to use your funds. Companies will be willing to accept BCH for their products and services, and governments will soon realize that they have no other option but to adapt and accept it.

Tokenizing the web and allowing people to monetize their content and get rewarded for their contribution has never been easier, and in my humble point of view, Bitcoin Cash is here to stay and shape the future of the global economy. With a block size of 32MB, the Bitcoin Cash network keeps transaction fees really low, while solving the issues of payment delays. In other words, it is a much better version of the Bitcoin project, and I really do believe that as the years go by and people get more and more familiar with the blockchain technology, BCH will gradually dethrone BTC and get the recognition it deserves.

The token has already started attracting a lot more attention, and this is something that is being reflected on the number of daily transactions processed by the Bitcoin Cash network, which is going through the roof and breaking one record after another. Many think this is thanks to and, and they are probably correct to a certain degree, but I do know that many businesses around the world are already starting to realize that it can be a great asset for microtransactions, and therefore, slowly but gradually implementing this transaction system.

The future looks bright, and I am more than happy to have discovered and in their early stages of development. This place has become my favourite venue ever since, and I have been contributing on a daily basis. I still feel like kicking myself for not having discovered this platform earlier on, but it's never too late as they say. The early bird catches the worm, and even though I only recently got involved in the project, I already feel at home.

So now I am here, making up for not paying attention to Bitcoin Cash since the very beginning, and feeling absolutely ecstatic to be here and ambitious for the future. Bitcoin Cash is going to change my life for the better, and I plan to return the favour by spreading the word about the project and helping everyone to get started with their BCH journey. This is the least I could do for all the support I have been blessed with.

24h Activity on the network


As you can see in the image above, the network's daily activity is on the rise today, and this has been the norm for the previous weeks. BCH is finally getting the attention it deserves, and we're still in the beginning of it all. The masses do not even know about Bitcoin yet, let alone the blockchain technology and all the advantages and benefits tied to it, so you can imagine that the future is bright, especially considering how BCH has been racing lately despite the fact that the whole cryptocurrency industry is still in the very early stages of development.

I've been watching the ranks on for a very long time now, and it's a pleasure to see BCH climbing up the ranks and getting the recognition it deserves. And we are still far from where this could eventually go. Only a small percentage of the people actively contributing content on the web on a daily basis have heard of the cryptocurrency industry and the blogging options it offers, so you can guess that we will be in for some huge surprises as soon as things start to take off.

I have been enjoying my progress on so far, and I am planning to stick around. In the images below you can see my contributions since I joined the platform a week ago, and as you can understand, this is all the fuel I need for the fire to keep burning. The support I have received is more than enough to make me want to spread the word about and Bitcoin Cash, and that is exactly what I have been doing for the past 7 days.

I was never expecting thatEver


What more can I say? Again, I'm thankful for all the rewards. This kind of monetization for my content inspires me to keep writing, and I will continue to do so even if those rewards stop coming my way, because I am already addicted to the platform and grateful for all the things I've learned reading contributions on The platform is already populated with interesting and super-technical folks, providing insights into the cryptosphere based on their experiences, and offering knowledge in regard to the blockchain technology.

The place feels like a source of credible information coming from users with technical knowledge and years of experience, and it's absolutely reasonable as far as I'm concerned, as we are still far from achieving mass adoption, and therefore, most users actively contributing to are not average Joes when it comes to cryptocurrency-oriented content. The place literally offers a treasure of information regarding our favourite transaction system, and I am planning to consume all of it. I've got all the time in the world, and I can start sleeping less if I have to in order to achieve my goal.


As you can see in the images above, I have already brought 4 new users to the platform by promoting my publications mainly on, and I've already been appointed moderator for the Crypto & Earnings (8a5a) community. It goes without saying that I am thankful to the people who trusted me with this responsibility, and I will certainly keep doing my best to serve the community well and monitor the quality of content submitted to it.

As I mentioned, I have been around for only a week, so you can imagine that I am overwhelmed with the warm welcome I have received so far. Thus, I will keep working hard to make sure it is well-deserved. It is the least I could do to return the favour and promote the platform that has enabled me to make a good return on investment for the time devoted to contributing my content.

I have been providing content for various platforms that enable users to monetize their content, and I have been doing it for over three years now, so it goes wihout saying that I have experience of the content game. And my experience tells me that is probably the best venue there is for this particular purpose; if you ask me, it's just a matter of time until content creators start flocking into the paltform.

This is why I feel the need to keep doing what I do; I'm very optimistic about the future of Bitcoin Cash and, and therefore, it feels great to be among the early birds going after the worm. This is exactly how I feel about Bitcoin Cash, and I am thankful to all the wonderful people working on the development of the and platforms, as I probably wouldn't have delved into BCH they way I have had it not been for the aforementioned projects.


As you can see in the images above, I have been actively promoting my publications on, making some extra Bitcoin Cash for my efforts, and probably gathering a few affiliates in the process. I've been very vocal about this platform since the day I publised my first exclusive contribution, and I've had many users reaching out to me with direct messages, seeking more information about the platform and how they could monetize their content on

Of course, I always make sure to inform everyone about our high quality standards, and how they need to provide exclusive content if they are looking to receive rewards for their efforts, as we are actually trying to build something of high quality over here on I respect that, and if you ask me, this is one of the reasons why this place is going to succeed; there is no room for spammy posts, and therefore, the platform will never turn into a boring place where everyone is just in for a quick buck without putting real effort into their publications.


As you can see, I have also been promoting my publications on Torum, generating a bit more traffic for the platform and probably grabbing a few affiliates too. As I mentioned, I have been very enthusiatic and vocal about the place since day 1, and I am planning to take things to Twitter and step up my promo game over there as well. As a matter of fact, I have already started making noise about over there:


That's not all. Some of you may already know that I have been providing content on the Steem/Hive blockchain since March 2017, so I've gathered a following over there as well. And yes, those folks are already getting informed about and by my contributions over there, so it's safe to say that I have been doing everything in my power to spread the word about BCH and the platform itself. And I am not planning to stop any time soon.


That basically sums up my Bitcoin Cash journey so far, and it's been a blessing. I've already accumulated approximately 0.1 Bitcoin Cash for my efforts so far, and I'm more than grateful for this opportunity I have been given. I will keep doing my best to spread the word about BCH and as I really do believe that many wonderful content creators out there are missing out on a huge opportunity here. This place needs more people actively contributing and making noise about Bitcoin Cash, and it feels great to know I am doing my part in promoting the network.

I will stick around, blogging about what I love the most, and making noise all over the web in order to let everyone know about this beautiful platform of ours. My aforementioned Leofinance publications are also being pushed on publish0x, so it's safe to say that I am currently spreading the word about Bitcoin Cash on five different platforms. Feels great to know that I'm doing my best to inform anyone interested, because there's a lot to gain from a potential surge in daily active users contributing quality content to the platform.

As for my goal to accumulate 1 BCH, it feels like I'm getting there very soon, all thanks to and I can't find the words to descibe how thankful I am for this opportunity, so I will try to set the bar high and provide quality material for our dear readers. It is the least I could do, and I am willing to take things to the next level by giving it my all. I am acquainted with too many crypto folks in real life, and you can rest assured that all of them are going to learn more about BCH.

Thank you for reading this far. Please keep in mind that this is by no means financial advice. I am just sharing my personal thoughts and experiences, and you should always do your own research if you're looking to invest your hard-earned funds. Always look things up yourself, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

I appreciate your attention,


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