The RisingStar Record - Issue no. 2 - Beginning a quest, from Rags to Riches

RisingStar is a game I'm enjoying and had a multitude of possible goals to achieve.  The most compelling one to me is becoming a StarBits Millionaire!

First things first - Feel free to just go to their website directly but if RisingStar interests you I'd be very happy if you joined up with my referral link:

And so begins my quest to go from Rags (and illegal busking!) to Riches (becoming a Starbits Millionaire).

Much like my Quest for 100,000 BFG on Betfury, these posts are both for myself (so I can see progress over time) but hopefully will give others an idea of how these games can work for a person that is a primarily free to play player.

The Goal - What is the Starbits Millionaire

In short if you have One Million Starbits in your Hive Wallet you can apply to get the Starbits Millionaire card - with a balance of one million starbits in your wallet this card allows you to do a once a day mission for 10,000 starbits a day. This is my goal - to get one of these.


Apart from the obvious - having completed the goal or not, metrics will be a bit tricky for the game.  For now I'm going with the following:

This is my starting point and I've chosen the metrics as follows:

 - Missions completed - A good way to see how much I've been working the game post to post.

 - Cards owned - Also a good way to see how I've been progressing and is part of the difficulty of choosing metrics for the goal.

 - Starbits - Obviously this is the key metric, however it will fluctuate as I will probably "invest" in cards spending the starbits to allow progress/greater earning later on.

 - Skill/Fans/Ego - I've decided to include these as well as indicators of progress as these increase as you progress through the game.

Current Strategy and considerations

So my current strategy is to run the Headline Act mission from Act 1 (100% energy cost, Three hour time taken) as often as possible.  If energy is short I'll run a music lesson instead and then a Act 2 Radio Interview to kill energy to 0.  I'll then use a pizza and rinse and repeat as much as I can.  I am thinking I'll buy cards as and when I can afford the packs.  I could wait longer to get to 100,000 Starbits and buy 12 at once but at this stage I think it is better to get cards as and when you can.  It's more expensive but you get the benefit sooner.

Some considerations to think about:

 - Which missions are the best from an efficiency perspective and does it matter for me given I'll be playing casually mostly?

 - Is it better to get three random cards from a pack or to save and buy specific cards on the market?

 - Is three pizza boxes sufficient (I have three at the moment)?

 - Will I be able to manage my "Ego" rating using this process or will I have to do more music lessons to keep up?

I guess I'll figure this out as I go further through the process.  

So that's what I'm doing - I'll post probably once a week and see how it goes.

Now I'm not ashamed to look for some extra wind beneath my wings so if RisingStar sounds fun to you my referral link is below or you could just go to the game directly.

And if you're interested in any of the other sites I've been working with links are below:


Faucets and Mining


Have fun and don't stop believing we can earn some crypto!