The Rise of X

Musk finally did it.

His long planned and speculated change to an all-everything-all-the-time app that will be where people go if they want to read the news, follow a celebrity, adopt a child, or pay their electricity bill.

Okay, maybe not the adoption part, but the rest is certainly part of what he has detailed as his vision in past interviews all the way back in his PayPal days and now into his tumultuous tenure with Twitter.....err, X.  (See?  Not that easy to mentally make this switch)

For the current iteration, Musk has spent quite a bit of money and substantially reduced his net worth in order to acquire, tear down, clean out, and rebuild TwitterX (I know I know, just gotta learn to live with it)

Ultimately I believe Musk wants to create a Western/American version of the Chinese Weibo "Everything" App, where the vast majority of people are account holders because of the convenience and financial incentive to find great deals and have everything at your fingertips and instantly available......kinda like a massive product storefront in a digital environment that provides a subscription based delivery service for an almost unreal low price.....

I believe that is what stands most in Musks way, he is trying to create a product/company in a space where a behemoth already shares that space and there is no glaring need for it.  It is hard to create supply without a real demand.  I am not the only one who thinks this will be difficult.

Then again, Musk has been counted out before and now Tesla stands as a company ahead of its time, hugely successful, with a real and growing business that should be sustainable.  Similarly, the mad genius stood up a re-usable rental rocket company that is essentially its own monopoly now and has proved hugely financially successful, creating a golden age for Space access outside of the traditional NASA control.

Ultimately, I do not see how this new iteration becomes profitable because of the lack of ad revenue and political blow back for a company that is essentially unchanged so far.

Then again......tough to bet against this guy.

As always, hope your time was wellspent.
