The Power of Printing Money

  The coinage act of 1792 required death for anyone debasing the nations money!

Why would such a penalty be required? They thought debasing currency was a pretty immoral and heinous thing to do to deal out that kind of penalty.  And one of the reasons was the massive power it gives the counterfeiters.  The average person doesn't really think about it. In America, our public schools didn't even talk about it. The reasons for that are pretty obvious. Why would you want the peasants to know how money really works? Why would you let the young people know who they will actually be working for?


Buy high and sell low.

Imagine you could print money. You and only you. Now imagine you didn't like a company or item. Say.............Gold. You hated it. After all it's a stupid shiny metal. And you can't print that, so it would pretty much put you out of business. No more power.

   So, you buy gold the highest point...........then sell it at the right time causing it to go down. You lose massive amounts of "money", but you don't care at all! You just print more and do it again.

Oh but wait! What if the people who own the stock want the actual metal? You simply print some more and instead of delivery you give them more "money" than their investment is worth. In other words you settle in cash.

This can be done with any stock you like or don't like. That is the power the banks have especially in the United States with the reserve currency. The more we understand this power the angrier you should be. As was apparently the founding fathers viewpoint. They wanted to kill these people. Today, however, it's just viewed as normal business.

Bitcoin and crypto changes all of it. Just like Gold accomplished at times during history. The problem with Gold is that people have been "educated" out of it. A Stock is not Gold. Average people can't understand just how corrupt these people are.

Bitcoin can only be slightly manipulated by the printing of money. You can't double allocate resources with Bitcoin like you can with a Gold stock. Two people can own the exact same piece of Gold on a exchange Like the COMEX. Nobody knows how much physical gold they actually have. And nobody cares.

We always know how many Bitcoin there actually are. This is why this is happening.

Bitcoin is "educating" the banks out of existence.They are going to come at it with all their might. With all the printing they can muster,  they will buy as many politicians as necessary. Some of you non-libertarian types out their are here for a quick buck? Or maybe the only thing we have in common is hatred of the big banks. That's great.

(For those that have no idea what a libertarian in general is, then I provided a general definition in the notes)

What non-libertarian types fail to realize, is that these banks ARE the government. They are the reason Social Security still exists. They are the reason the military bases around the world are still active. They are the reason "insert favorite Social/Governmental program" still exists.  Without them, literally overnight, the entire United States government collapses along with the FDA, FBI, CIA, etc.........

So, if you are supporting decentralization and Bitcoin, then you are in libertarian/ anarchist land. Bitcoin brings power to the individual and away from the state. It is why the crypto sphere is filled with libertarian leaning people. Some of you have become libertarians without realizing it.