The Perception of Crypto

I only recently began to take an interest in cryptocurrency and the reception from people from my life have been vastly negative. The 2017 boom and bust of bitcoin has left a lasting impact on it's reputation. From family to friends they have remarked on how the digital coins are useless and unbacked by gold reserves.

I have been interested in investing for a few years now and was intimidated by the volitility of the crypto market. I never even bothered to look into any of the use cases of many of the cryptocurrency. Like so many people I assumed Crypto was just a dark market, binary wizardry for shady transactions.

After some research my ignorance has been blown out of the water. The streamlining of money markets creating solutions to the complex nature of Libor. A way to provide stable coins for countries suffering from hyper inflation. Smart contracts and self verifying networks without the need for central institutions. Or ways to process and present data like The Graph project.

Some simple research has completely changed my attitude to Crypto. Opened my mind to a different way to do things from the current established order. At least some of these coins are the future, a financial revolution just starting to begin. It has been an interesting time recently and if anything my experience has taught me to do my own research before reaching conclusions. I would like to here some of your thoughts as you got started on the crypto journey!