The Open Forum - Crypto VS Stocks

Everything from the post to the comments is not financial advice. Please make your own decisions and research.

My Analysis: 


   Hello! Today we are going to be discussing everyone's experiences with the Crypto Market and the Stock Market. Remember, this is an open forum, feel free to leave your experiences and your comments in the comment section down below!

   Now to start, I've always been fascinated with stocks and crypto. After graduating high school I befell into a world of needing money quickly. All of a sudden it felt like my friends were getting jobs, starting their lives, and I was a bit behind. I knew that I needed to get ahead and I just didn't know how, so of course, I looked online. After stumbling upon a few "get rich quick schemes" I come across the world of stocks. The hype generated by the whole r/wallstreetbets fiasco and GME made me realize that I needed to start investing my income. Instead of going out all the time and being careless with my money, I start conserving and investing in stocks.



   Later down the line, I eventually made it to $500 in my stock account, I thought I made a good decision. Mind you that I invested all my money on stocks that were popular at the time; buying high, selling low. To anyone who doesn't understand, I bought stocks when they were at their peak, and with my inability to understand what I was doing at the time, I lost a bit of money. These bad decisions made me feel disinterested in the world of stocks, which ultimately made me think about crypto. Why? Well, it seemed safer from a beginner's perspective. Plus, I already knew some basic knowledge about the crypto world, and so, I gave it a shot. 

   In three days I watched over 30 videos of crypto; how to mine crypto, what to do with it, how it's minted, everything. Looking back at it, I should've done it with stocks too, but at the time, I was determined to not fail. After what felt like an eternity, I find a method and a program to use, something that has been helping me trade crypto. At the time of writing, I have made more money on crypto than stocks. My preference has solidified to only trade crypto, at the time of writing of course. I may try my luck at the stock market again, but from what I've experienced, the crypto market is easier to understand. 


   All in all, in my opinion, both markets are incredibly lucrative. You need to do proper research, I'm not talking about watching one YouTube video. I'm talking about reading articles, following the people who have already made money, and watching/reading about different people's experiences. From what I gathered, crypto is what I'm aligning towards. But that is just me, what about you? 



- Do you like stocks? If so, why? 

- Maybe you don't like stocks, why do you think crypto is better than stocks? 

- What are your experiences with stocks and crypto? 



Thank you for participating in The Open Forum!



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