The New Law of the Universe - Bitcoin’s Greatest Asset

[The contents of this article are also available in PODCAST

I’ve been speaking a lot to my friends, many of whom hold bitcoin and other crypto assets. I get the sense that there is some information missing from the everyday individual who participates in the markets.

I often hear them say something like: “There is nothing behind Bitcoin” , or: “Bitcoin only has the brand”, “It was the first and that’s why it is the biggest”.

I have even been sent some articles written by famous economists saying the exact same things. I don’t necessarily think they are wrong, it just seems they haven’t gone far enough in understanding what they are holding. 

Bitcoin is such a new asset, there are very few people in the world who truly understand it. I would go even as far as to say that no one in today’s society gets it to the fullest. I believe we are all in the process of discovering it, and as it grows and takes over more and more over our financial realm, we will learn more from it. To me this makes it an incredibly exciting moment to be involved in the space, we are living through a historic moment.

The thing that people don’t seem to grasp, is that BTC offers (for the first time in human history!) an economic network that no entity can control. It exists as a fact, a constant, a new law of the universe.

Participants in this network have access to their money (the value they created) forever, without fear of being shut down if they fail to comply with whoever might be in power at that time. At the same time, their holdings cannot be diluted, the supply is fixed. They do not need someone to make sure the transactions go through, or any sort of middle man to gain final settlement (no matter the amount being transferred).

This is why Bitcoin is so important for human progress into the future, to help us get rid of everything that is holding us back, to put the power back in the hands of the individuals. My belief is that in the long run, all other systems will prove to be not as strong as a purely objective one, where no one controls it, and is therefore resistant to manipulation. I always urge my friends not to put Btc in the same bag as all the other cryptos, and to learn about it as much as possible. 

Bitcoin is such a disruptive technology, and I believe in it for far more reasons than just “number goes up”.

Many people say there are no assets behind it, without taking all this into consideration, which I feel is disingenuous. Unfortunately many people from the legacy media think they understand it, they try to make it fit into a box of the assets they already know. Such a revolutionary discovery, though, needs it’s new definitions. This takes a long and difficult honest intellectual effort that many aren’t willing to do.

In the end it will come down to every single individual to judge how much this independent network is worth, but whatever the price, it is not 0. Be careful of every article you read about it, like I said before, no one understands Bitcoin 100%, and so many don’t get it at all.

Keep researching and studying it. I honestly hold in my mind that Bitcoin is the greatest discovery of mankind.

Hope this helps, Have a great day!