The Importance of Blogging In My Life

Hello to you all and thanks for reading my articles, it does make a difference in my life. How does it makes a difference? Well I live in Portugal, a country that pays a minimum wage of 665€, so what I take to invest in cryptocurrencies isn't much because I have to pay for the basic things in life and after that there's not much left. What I do is to try to make the maximum passive income online, but I don't do this only for the money, I make this for the passion I have for cryptocurrencies and for getting it to as many people as possible.

I write on Read Cash, on PUBLISH0X and I am investigating others option to write there too. If you have places that you know that I can do this please say it in the comments I will apreciate it a lot.

What do I do with the money I earn from blogging?

I invest in what I think to be the best projects in cryptocurrencie, I diversify my portfolio and fill some bags with more. There two things that make for me so important blogging. First, share my thoughts and ideas with you and maybe make some people that are new in crypto stay for the fundamentals and not only for money, is that way that we can make a better world. Second like I sayed I invest in cryptocurrencies, this gives me an income that wouldn't be accessible only by my wage, so I try to put together every penie I earn only to make a small pot and after that I invest the money in blockchains.

I advise everyone to do this, I incentivised some of my friends to do it too, and I incentivise you too, it really makes a difference, a small for now because I am not the top blogger, I am just a very small one trying to make a difference and trying to succeed in life the way I think is most important, giving people knowledge and awareness for a world that can be different from the current machine we have, we have the power no turn this around because we are decentralized and a decentralized machine can't be stopped.

I hope you all stay safe and thanks for reading and contributing to my life, if I could I would do it for as many people I could.


Best Regards,
