The Digitex Futures Public Beta is Almost Here

The Digitex Futures public beta is almost here, and (if the reactions from the wider public are as positive as the closed testers), DGTX, the exchange’s native token, will be one to watch in the coming months.

The zero-fee futures trading platform whose ICO sold out in 17 minutes has often bucked the market trend. In fact, DGTX produced its first all-time-high in Oct 2018 when all the major coins were hemorrhaging.

To be fair, Digitex has had its fair share of stumbles along the way, pretty normal for a young startup. Despite the setbacks, though, DGTX still remains one of the best-performing tokens since inception.

DGTX has even outperformed Bitcoin! Its ICO price was 0.0100. At the time of writing, the current DGTX price was 0.0501. That’s a price increase of 401.0%, outperforming BTC by an incredible 446.9% during the past 22 months! Will it all be up from here?

This Time Around, It’s Different

Unlike the build-up to its two previous missed launch dates, the third time around Digitex promises to deliver. CEO Adam Todd and his team have had to work hard to win over the trust of their community. Digitex Futures believers are highly supportive, after all, but having been let down twice, they reserve the right to hold a healthy amount of skepticism.

Unlike previous attempts to conquer the market, though, this time around is very different. For a start, Digitex has made its development process public, providing regular bi-weekly reports and updates on the progress. Moreover, instead of trying to launch with bells, whistles, and all, the company has learned from its previous mistakes.

Digitex Futures is launching a public beta with one market–a BTC/USD perpetual swap (rather than trying to run before it can walk and unleashing with several markets right out of the gate). The beta is using testnet DGTX tokens, which means that traders can practice different strategies and get a feel for the unique interface and trading ladder (a first for cryptocurrency futures) and test for bugs without risking any real funds.

That almost certainly has a hand in the conservative price gains of DGTX this time around approaching launch. After all, users don’t need to accumulate real DGTX to trade on the beta platform on November 30. However, once they see how fun, addictive, and viable scalp trading is made without commissions, the going looks good for DGTX ahead of the mainnet.

For investors wanting to buy DGTX, they’ll have to wait a few more days to buy directly from Digitex. Its Treasury is currently closed. The company’s ongoing token sale releases 10 million DGTX every three months and was a sell-out last quarter. The token sale opens up again on December 1, 2019, the day after the beta launch.

Closed Testing Was Extremely Successful

Another stark difference between this time and prior launches is that the community has already seen many demos of the beta platform in action. Digitex opened up closed testing to its first Alpha group a couple of weeks ago. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive so far. Experienced traders and key influencers in the crypto space, such as ReadySetCrypto’s Doc Severson have given it a raving review.

Doc was particularly impressed with the trading ladder UI that allows for rapid-fire one-click trading, with no extra mouse movements. “This is what the Digitex interface looks like, and this is what every other major professional trading interface looks like. This is the way it should be done, and crypto has got a ways to go and really Digitex is the first pioneer for this as well as being a commission-free futures exchange.”

Other positive comments to have come out of the closed testing group talk about the experience as being addictive. “It’s very addictive to do,” gushed one tester. “When I trade on other exchanges, it’s really not that easy to trade, with Digitex, it’s a simple mouseclick! It’s very easy to use.”

Another commented, “The Digitex Futures exchange has completely redeemed itself by partnering with a capable development team and creating an amazing crypto futures trading platform.”

Final Thoughts

Just days away from the public beta, the excitement is building, and all eyes are turning back to Digitex Futures. After its rocky road to get here, the zero-fee exchange finally has the chance to redeem itself–or fall upon its sword trying.