The creator of Dogecoin has spent all his tokens on a used Honda Civic

Dogecoin founder Billy Marcus has admitted that he got rid of his DOGE already in 2015. At the time, he got an amount for a cryptocurrency for which he could buy a used Honda Civic.

He wrote about this on Reddit in his comments to his open letter to the Dogecoin community.


At the beginning of 2015, altcoin was traded for $ 0.0000276. This year, Dogecoin has set a historical maximum value of $ 0.087, given the focus of the project on Tesla and SpaceX CEO Ilona Mask. In six years, it has risen in price by 315 110%. Active capitalization exceeds 8.8 billion. $.


According to Marcus, getting rid of the cryptocurrency forced him to be fired and believed that the Dogecoin community was moving in the wrong direction. The creator of the asset still does not agree with the DOGE holders that its value should increase to one dollar. He believes that the coin simply does not deserve it.

"People say that Dogecoin will rise to $ 1 - this will make the market capitalization larger than real companies - such as Boeing, Starbucks, American Express, IBM, which provide services to millions.


Marcus noted that Dogecoin's "true value" is its ability to benefit. He believes that the coin should personify joy, kindness, fun, compassion, creativity and absurdity.