The Ching Ching Of Coins

Alas, they came in all colours and raiment.

Coins chiming sweet melodies in agreement.

Smiling orgieshly, the merchants smarked their lips.

To gain remained their intent in deeps.

Funny names the coins did inherit.

To grab the highest value was their merit.

Bitcoin, Litecoin and dogecoin all came in style.

Picoin was still way back in the line.

Investors were obsessed with currency.

They were deeply immersed in cryptocurrency.

Maybe their intent was to kill and bury fiat money.

Yet it wasn't a bag full of honey.

Fiat remained to be as old as Methuselah.

It remained to be the market top seller.

Bitcoin, Litecoin and dogecoin all came in style.

Picoin was still way back in the line.

The Lydion Lion may have led the park.

In deep darkness it finally did lark.

Bitcoin started carrying the flag too high.

Finally it became the founder in the nigh.

Others were sprinting so close in tow.

They were quite too many in a row.

Bitcoin, Litecoin and dogecoin all came in style.

Picoin was still way back in the line.

First come first served is an old adage.

Yet, being first does not mean being first on the page.

Bitcoin still beats them all in fame.

Yet pi network is limping but soon to tame.

Mainnet spells great goodies and value.

Soon pi network threatens to come in lieu.

Bitcoin, Litecoin and Doge coin all came in style.

Picoin was still way back in the line.