The Biggest Gift You Can Ever Give Is Opportunity

Giving is in my DNA and feels to me as natural as breathing most of the time. There is a special kind of joyful feeling that comes over me when I am in the giving "mode". Notice I didn't say "giving mood". This is because my mood is always giving, but my mode has to have understanding about why I am giving. See, not all giving is good or even helpful to other people. If you give some people to much they forget how to stand on their own two feet. In this way more harm than good is being done, because the person may become dependent on the "giving mode".

People tend to take the path of lease resistance as it is an ancient embedded survival mechanism. Humans often move away from things that are difficult and migrate closer to things made easy. Yet it is the difficult times in our life when we learn the most. Giving a person an opportunity is much better in the long run. Opportunity is the perfect middle ground between giving and giving to much. Receiving handouts to often can make a person lazy, and unwilling to move toward action. Being given an opportunity assures a person takes action, increasing the opportunity's benefit.

Giving opportunity is a huge gift to a person who works toward making that gift a positive facet of their life. But other gifts of generosity for example money can waste away in a matter of minutes, hours, or days. Monetary gifts are not always a bad option, but people usually treat gifts of money with less respect. Giving a person an opportunity in many ways affords them power over the gift. Monetary gifts can bring with it negative stressors to a person as it dwindles away to nothing. The most effective gifts to giving are the ones that owns staying power for its receiver.

Jobs, business, health, and investment opportunities offered as gifts have greater potential built-in. There is immense potential for a person to take a good opportunity, run with it, and end up building a better life. So as I've said on many occasions I love giving away money, because it comes with receiving good karma back. The Good Karma happens for me immediately through joyful feelings of giving. But it is the opportunities that I give which have the greatest potential to change lives. After all isn't that what life is all about, making a positive lasting affect on the greatest number of lives? I Think So!

By: Michaelson Williams, tsx

Editor-n-Chief at MMAP Magazine

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