Ternoa: Transmit Your Memories for Eternity... Via The Blockchain!

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Have you ever wondered what would happen to your memories after you disappeared? No? Well, the team at Ternoa has not only asked this question but has even come up with a solution that is both technological… and practical.

Sporting a somewhat enigmatic name, Ternoa is a French initiative which currently develops a public blockchain specializing in the storage and transmission of data over time.

Ternoa — what is it exactly?

To be more concrete, Ternoa offers a service that makes it possible to send a whole range of personal data in an anonymous, secure, inalienable and disintermediated manner. This can include photos, videos, private letters, passwords, legal documents or even bank details — in short, the important stuff. Ternoa places this intimate data in what it calls “time capsules.” These capsules are designed to protect your data and make it imperishable.

Then, at the chosen date, the capsule is sent to the person of your choice. These time capsules, which contain dozens of memories and personal data, can be added to and enriched by the family, and passed down from generation to generation.

A.I. and augmented reality

Ternoa is currently working on improving the quality of memories. In particular, the project is looking at virtual reality and artificial intelligence to offer its future clients an even more realistic immersion and make the memories of missing persons even more realistic.

The power of the blockchain

The project imagined by the Ternoa team makes use of the full power of blockchain technology both to transfer data and to ensure its preservation. What Ternoa assures its clients is that they are the only ones who can view and modify the data they have encapsulated. Ternoa never has access to either the identity or the content of the capsules that have been created. The database in which the information is recorded cannot be modified or destroyed by third parties either. All data is encrypted and therefore perfectly protected.

Application of Ternoa

A solid team

The team that makes up the Ternoa project is as transparent as it is solid. Among the many professionals working on this project, we can find in particular:

  • Mickael Canu (Chief Executive Officer), Entrepreneur and blockchain expert at the initiative of projects such as Syment, Urbanease and Contractchain. In particular, he recorded the 1st AG in Europe on the Blockchain with Syment.
  • Clement Tequi (Chief Financial Officer): Token Economics expert and author of the book "Blockchain, vers de nouvelles chaines de valeur (Blockchain, towards new value chains)".
  • Aurelien Deville (Blockchain Advisor): International speaker, facilitator and co-founder of the "Blockchain Commission, distributed technologies and organizational impacts".

Here is the rest of the team:

Detailed roadmap

It is even more interesting to follow this ambitious and promising project, as it is in its early stages. Here is the project roadmap:

The Road Map of Ternoa

Under the hood: Substrate 2.0

For those interested in the more technical aspects of the project, the Ternoa blockchain is based on the Substrate Blockchain Framework. This solution, developed by Parity, is used by numerous leading projects such as ChainLink, Ocean Protocol or Parity Technologies, which is the structure that created the Polkadot blockchain.

To summarize, we can say that the Ternoa blockchain was designed to be a parachain of the Polkadot network. It will therefore have its own network of servers and at the same time use the Polkadot network to decentralize the data.

Here is a picture of the relay system that will connect the Ternoa Blockchain to the Polkadot network:

Other technical characteristics of Ternoa

NPOS and Staking

Regarding the validation system used by the project, it is not Proof-of-Work as with the Bitcoin protocol, but Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS), which is a variant of Proof-of-Stake developed for Substrate-based blockchains. According to the team, the NPoS “is based on a process of selecting validators which are authorized to participate in the consensus protocol and is therefore similar in this respect to the Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) used in particular by the Tezos Blockchain. Each “nominator” (wallet that holds Capsule Coins) has the possibility of choosing a “validator” to delegate his tokens to it. It will be rewarded according to the lock-up duration and the number of delegated tokens”.

The Trusted Friends module

"Trusted Friend" is a social recovery module that allows users to access their accounts in case the private key is lost. With Trusted Friends, a user is able to make calls on behalf of another account that they have recovered. The recovery process is protected by trusted “friends” which can be chosen by the original account owner.

The Democracy module

The Democracy module manages the administration of the general stakeholder vote. Ternoa offers Capsule Coins holders to be actors of the network and to have a decision-making power regarding the expected developments of the blockchain: developments, partners, protocols, etc.

There are two different queues to which a proposal can be added before it becomes a referendum: 1) the proposal queue comprising all public proposals; and 2) the external queue comprising a single proposal which comes from one of the external sources (such as a collective group).

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts allow functions to be executed on the blockchain and offer the community the opportunity to develop applications on Ternoa’s own blockchain. On the first version, the RUST language (via INK!) will be used to manage smart contracts.

The Atomic Swap

This module allows the Ternoa blockchain to Swap the Capsule Coin Token to the native token of the decentralized servers used to store the encrypted files.

The NFTs

Ternoa offers a token management model designed to be resilient over time thanks to a global architecture operating with a dual-use Non Fungible Token (NFT) as well as a distributed Masternode system.

Ternoa utilize NFTs as time capsules.


All accounts can have an unlimited number of sub-accounts as specified by the owner. By definition, these have an equivalent ownership and each one has an individual name. On Ternoa, each capsule is owned by a sub-account. Only the owner can access it before the transmission protocol is triggered.

For more information, go to the official Ternoa website, read the Medium article.

Join the Ternoa Telegram group: https://t.me/ternoadiscussions

Subscribe to Ternoa's Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Ternoa_

Follow Ternoa on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ternoa_/

Download the Ternoa app from the App Store:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1456019275

Download the Ternoa app on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ternoa.www