Termininology for dummies #1

51% attack in simple words

Hi guys, many of us heard the multiple times ethereum classic (ETC) suffered multiple times from 51% attack.


Here the article writes that ETC suffered 3 times during August 2020 from 51% attack

But how we can describe this term so simple that anyone could understand.In 51% attack the "bad" guys try to control more than 50% (for this reason the term 51%) of the network's mining power or hash rate.

But why is so catastrophic if "bad" guys control 51% of the network's mining power ??

Because they can block new transactions !!

What is the cost of this attack ?

In this link you can find the cost of such attack


At this series of articles Terminology for dummies i do not give more details like how can take place or how we can defend such an attack.


The photo was taken from https://bravenewcoin.com/insights/etc-51-attack-what-happened-and-how-it-was-stopped