Tempted and Triggered in regards to Crypto Visa card

I wrote a lovely passage about the impetus that propelled me to jump on the cryptocurrency bandwagon for my clsss. But I didn’t really talk much about digital assets because my focus was on getting them to revise the meanings of words/phrases like “initially” and “venture out of my comfort zone”. Seriously, when you have a bunch of 12-year-olds who forget what “extremely” means, you can’t really discuss ideas or life philosophies. But I think in their heart of hearts, they understood what I wanted to do for them, for someone piped up, “Oh, my dad received the Crypto Visa card the other day.” My ears perked up. “Do you know that you can get free Netflix and Spotify subscriptions?” I told him. “Oh, my dad is getting the free Yahoo Premium instead,” he informed me. Now, I don’t often hanker after things but I have been flirting with the idea of getting the Crypto Visa card. Yes, yes, I know it’s ironic since I’m reading a book about minimalistic living right now but the card looks so sleek that I can’t help wanting it. (His father got a blue card, by the way.) Only two things prevent me from getting it. Firstly, I have been using the Citibank SMRT Visa card for the longest time, so it’s hard for me to switch brands, as enticing as the idea of getting crypto cashback sounds. More importantly, the idea of being charged $1 for administrative fee when users top up their Grab e-wallet account with Visa left such a sour taste in my mouth that I have pledged allegiance to MasterCard. Anyway, back to the lesson. It’s always a good lesson when I come into class, wanting to impart knowledge but leaving enriched (and humbled!) at the end because my student teaches me something I don’t know instead.