StaysBase AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram Group


On 8th of January StaysBase conducted an AMA in Crypto Revolution Community. Our guests were Luka and Walkeraki. Impressive Interest from Community over Telegram, Twitter and Linkedin. Let’s take a look at most interesting points from our conversation.



Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys. It’s time for another portion of Crypto Revolution AMAs. Let’s welcome Luka, Walkeraki and StaysBase

Luka | StaysBase: Hello everyone! Happy to be here with you again after a long time! Hey Danny!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Hey Luka. Happy to have you again here. ??

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Welcome Walkeraki

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Hey Danny! Any hey everyone here! Thanks for having us.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: For the people who are new in the group Luka was already our guest before with another Project.

Could you please introduce yourselves guys and tell us how did you get involved into Crypto?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Sure :)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: And are you enjoying the Bull Run at the moment? ??

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Haha bull run is crazy! :)

Luka | StaysBase: My name is Luka and I’m the lead blockchain developer at StaysBASE. I have a background in finance and money, where I’ve worked for financial institutions in Europe the last few years as a smart contracts programmer, where I’ve worked on bringing traditional financial products on the blockchain and bridging old systems to blockchain-based ones.

Otherwise, I’ve been a crypto-enthusiast since 2016 when I started with a personal crypto mining farm, which is still active today. We teamed up with my colleague Jure a few months ago to create blockchain projects and we’re happy to share with you our newest platform — StaysBASE.

Walkeraki | StaysBase: I am not enjoying the ETH gas fees tho :)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Haha. Same ??

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Thats why we are building our project on BSC.

Luka | StaysBase: Yes, of course, it’s crazy how all dips are getting eaten up so fast!

Walkeraki | StaysBase: I am a software engineer at StaysBASE. I’ve been working in several well known firms across Europe and I am mostly into web and mobile development. For the past 2 years I worked as an Automated testing engineer. I came into the crypto world in 2015 with a small bitcoin investment and later on created a DeFi token named VOX. I fell in love with crypto and now I am trying to contribute to it as much as I can. I think we are still early and there is a huge potential to grow.. I’ve known Luka since I was a child and creating something for you alongside him is fulfilling.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Pretty smart desicion to build your Project on BSC at the moment ??

Luka | StaysBase: Hopefully we can get the people’s attention and bring some of them over to BSC!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Oh yeah. You think there will be a big Correction in Crypto Market happening sometime soon or will be not that bad as it was in 2018?

Luka | StaysBase: I hope it won’t happen soon and not in the scale it happened then, at least, but a healthy market retrace should be somewhere on the horizon — but that’s just my personal opinion haha.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please describe what is StaysBase in few simple sentences for the Community?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: The StaysBASE Protocol acts as a one-stop trading instrument which allows holders to speculate on the entire crypto industry, world stock market and gold market simultaneously, rather than just one token or a select portfolio of multiple. StaysBASE is supposed to be a more holistic reflection of all the three markets. You will only require BNB in your wallet to pay for fees of the transactions (which only cost a few cents on BINANCE Smart Chain).

Luka | StaysBase: That’s a short summary for anyone that is already acquainted with rebase protocols :)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. That’s why I really like Projects built on BSC ?? Is it StaysBase a Rebase Project?

Luka | StaysBase: Yes, StaysBASE is a fork of $BASE with the upgrade of being connected to three world markets simultaneously — gold, crypto and world stocks. We will have daily rebases which will follow average market movements of the world economy.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: So here comes a really important moment. Ton of people are still confused for Rebase Projects and they don’t know how they really work. I’ve seen that a lot. You guys plan to educate people about Rebase Mechanism so they are not confused?

Luka | StaysBase: Let’s give a simple example which represents what happens during a rebase.

The Crypto market cap increases +10%

The Gold market cap increase +5% &

The World Stock market Cap decreases -3%

The average of the three = 4%

There will be a 4% total Increase of the Supply of StaysBASE Token.

What that means for the token holder is that after the rebase calculation he will have a 4 % larget balance than before the rebase.

The same scenario can also happen but with the opposite effect — if world markets go down, the user will have a smaller balance in his wallet.

I hope that clears it up!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah this was simple Explanation ?? Thank you. So you guys are running your Presale at the moment right?Could you please share more details for it?

Luka | StaysBase: We are currently in our private round, yes. We have already completed our seed round where we gained 100k$ in less than 4 hours, so we can see there is large demand for the project!

The minimum investment amount is 200 $ and the maximum is 20.000 $, so we’re also accepting entries from smaller buyers — we’d like to give everyone a chance to join.

Of course, private round buyers will receive a discount on the price, so make sure to visit if you’d like to apply to the whitelist :)

We will be running crowdfunding until 13.01. when the IDO will happen on JulSwap, the premier DEX on the Binance Smart Chain.

Walkeraki | StaysBase:

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Oh great. You are already successful. Could you please mention few words for JulSwap. I’m sure a lot of people don’t know about it.

Luka | StaysBase: Sure!

You can visit JulSwap on the website Basically it’s the identical Uniswap experience but built on the Binance Smart Chain. You have exactly the same features as you are already used to.

They’ve also built a more advanced DEX experience with limit orders, which you can visit under

It’s quite an advanced platform with a lot of features, so make sure to check it out!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you Luka. And thank you for the brief Introduction. Jumping to Twitter questions now.

Luka | StaysBase: No problem, happy to answer your questions — I think it’s very beneficial for the community.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Oh yeah. Providing more details is always good ??

Q1 from @Ciknung3

Smart contracts are prone to bugs, How efficient and secure is your smart contract. Have you ever been audited through external parties, so we are sure that this project is safe and good for the future of investors?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Code is forked from BASE protocol which was audited by many third party companies. We are in a DeFi space for some quiet time where we made some of our own projects and advised on several others. We are confident in our knowledge as backend programmers and we rely on past experience to deliver the most safe and secure platform there can be.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Don’t you think DeFi will be not that popular in 2021 or may be it’s just starting? Asking cause a lot of Defi Projects are not moving very good last few days ??

Walkeraki | StaysBase: I believe we are at the very beginning of DeFi. There are tons of innovations coming out every week.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. Agree ??

Walkeraki | StaysBase: I think price is not the only indicator of DeFi progress

Luka | StaysBase: It’s hard for DeFi projects too move right now especially because of the gas fee problems on Ethereum — it’s a very big issue.

Walkeraki | StaysBase: And by developing new technologies with the peace we are currently doing I believe price will follow.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Also the other Issue I see in Rebase Projects is that a lot of people exit after the first negative Rebase. You guys have any solution to make people stay long term with you?

Luka | StaysBase: That’s why we’ve included the distinctive feature of being connected to three markets at the same time — with crypto, world stocks and gold being averaged out we believe we created a good fundamental basis for the token economy. Of course, systemic shocks can still happen — but we’ve negated this as much as possible with the “average” calculation method.

Q2 from @Eliasbb_Pro

Staysbase the 1st Rebase project which is correlated to the Crypto market, the Gold market and the Stock market. What benefits will this brings to StayBASE in the future? And what makes you better than other rebase project?

Luka | StaysBase: To summarize: StaysBASE builds upon the foundation made from the original rebase protocols and upgrades it with the unique feature of being connected to three markets simultaneously (crypto, world stocks and gold). Daily movements are weighted out and the rebase calculation considers the average of all three markets to create a healthy foundation for the token economy.

The StaysBASE Protocol acts as a one-stop trading instrument which allows holders to speculate on the entire crypto industry, world stock market and gold market simultaneously, rather than just one token or a select portfolio of multiple. StaysBASE is supposed to be a more holistic reflection of all the three markets.

Main benefit of this system is that it lowers the bearish impact of one specific market to the price of SBS token. This means investors will take less risk when investing in our platform. Alongside with great security we are offering we stand out from our competitors.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Are you planning only listing on JulSwap since I know it’s kinda hard for Rebase Projects to get listed on CEXs?

Luka | StaysBase: We’re currently planning to get listed only on JulSwap for the time being — mainly because it’s our DEX and IDO partner and also because we are hoping to raise awareness about BSC and what are it’s advantages over Ethereum.

But yes — a CEX listing is on the timeline, but integration does take some time.

In any case we’ll be building a bridge to Ethereum as well, to give the people an option to switch between both chains and to create a liquidity pair on Uniswap. This is however still about a month away from now.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: That’s great to hear. So you will make people trading on Uniswap happy as well ??

Luka | StaysBase: Haha, that’s the goal, yes!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please mention few words for StaysBase Tokenomics?

Luka | StaysBase: My colleague Jure will soon post a picture with the tokenomics distribution. :)

Walkeraki | StaysBase:

Luka | StaysBase: It’s the easiest way to present it.

And to put it in a few words for the readers:

StaysBASE is a synthetic asset with a supply of 4.265.359 tokens. StaysBASE works on an Elastic Supply Protocol. What this means is that the supply of StaysBASE is determined by the equilibrium condition. The target price of StaysBASE is based on the market caps. Now when these four values are not the same, the protocol increases or decreases the supply of StaysBASE.

That’s why it’s important to understand that the total supply of StaysBASE can adapt to market changes.

Danny | Crypto Revolution:Good explanation. So far team is public right?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Indeed. You can find all the team members on the website

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Public teams always bring more trust to Investors.

Luka | StaysBase: You can always check us out on Twitter too:

If you’d like to look at our funny faces :joy:

Danny | Crypto Revolution: ??

Linkedin Question:


Luka | StaysBase: We have already announced our partnerships with JustLiquidity and Vox Finance, our previous project. We will use the partnership with JustLiquidity and their DEX JulSwap to conclude the first IDO project on Binance Smart Chain.

They will also be our partners for providing staking opportunities for our users and we will use their bridge product in the future to connect StaysBASE to other blockchains.

Our collaboration with Vox Finance will be used to provide first access to users on Ethereum to have a chance to receive SBS tokens in the private pool platform.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: So far so good. Are you working on any future Partnerships at the moment?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: We have some collaborations coming in the near future yes. We have a few announcements ready mainly for Q1 and Q2 of 2021. But we cannot disclose those details yet — hope you can understand that :)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah ??


Question: What world markets are taken into consideration for the StaysBASE rebase algorithm and how are they weighted?

Best Answer: Crypto, world stocks and gold

Daily movements are weighted out and the rebase calculation considers the average of all three markets to create a healthy foundation for the token economy.



Telegram User:

I want to join $SBS WHITELISTING , when the exact date for $SBS PRESALE? KYC is a must to join presale?

Luka | StaysBase: The private round is now live.

The minimum investment amount is 200 $ and the maximum is 20.000 $, so we’re also accepting entries from smaller buyers — we’d like to give everyone a chance to join.

Of course, private round buyers will receive a discount on the price, so make sure to visit if you’d like to apply to the whitelist :)

There is no KYC requirement.

Telegram User:

I noticed Luka worked with Vox Finance, why do you now decided to create this new project can you run both simultaneously?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: He works for Vox finance and so do I. We decided to expand to BSC and connect these two projects to help each other. We hired more people so working on both projects will present no hurdle. Also main logic behind the projects are completely different where one is focused on farming and other one’s main feature is rebasing.

Telegram User:

If anybody thinks your project really likes a scam project, and they can not trust this project. How do you make them believe in your project?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Most importantly lead developers of this project — Me and Luka are also developers on other projects where we did live on camera AMAs. We nourished a good community with trust and we believe that we can do the same thing here. All the code is forked from BASE project and therefore it has been audited by many different auditing firms. We are also very experienced backend developers so we are using all of our knowledge to build scalable, secure and optimized codebase so our investors stay safe and in the meantime earn money.

Telegram User:

How this project face the challenge of gas high in erc20 blockchain? I studied a lot of projects but it’s hard for me for example to make a video because i can’t use the project with a high gas. Have plans to use other blockchain or partner with projects like Nuls or polkadot?

Luka | StaysBase: We are actually not using Ethereum! We will be the first project built on Binance Smart Chain that has the rebase capability! That means lower fees, faster transactions and more scalability for everyone. This is the true advantage of a platform such as StaysBASE, make sure to come over to our channel to join!

Telegram User:

How will StaysBASE help those users who are not familiar with the specific assets in one or two of the three markets to take advantage of the changes or protect themselves against further losses in the cryptographic, stock and gold markets? What tools will you provide them with?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Now this could be for various purposes for different individuals. It could be a good entry point for someone who isn’t sure about which assets to invest individually on, and hence bets on the entire market. But since it is aimed at being a stable pegged token, it can be used by crypto and other traders for hedging & diversifying their funds, which is a major Usecase too. So to name a few of its basic Use Cases -

Borrowable Asset

Price Basis

Safe Haven


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Final Words for Community?

Walkeraki | StaysBase: Thanks for having us Danny and for the great organiztation. Was a great AMA.

Luka | StaysBase: We invite all of you to give BSC and the first rebase project based on it, a try!

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