Starting the inflation/Bitcoin Conversation with a Loved one.

[You can explore the contents of this article further in PODCAST

Today I started showing my girlfriend what is happening in the world from a macroeconomic view, and how Bitcoin enters the scene. In doing this I was only looking to make her aware of the situation we are facing as a society, hoping that she’d get to understand why I’m so obsessed with this and  Bitcoin as well.

It is a very tricky conversation to begin, one that cannot be had all at once. There is a risk of overwhelming the other party with too much information, at the same time I didn’t want her to become depressed by what is happening in the world.

On the other hand, I firmly believe that we need to pay attention to this stuff. Everyone who ignores it, does it at its own peril. We should be learning all this in school, and the media should be trying to show everyone what’s going on. Unfortunately we can’t rely on any institution for this, it is something that falls in the hands of every individual to find for themselves.

As time goes by this will be more and more obvious until denying it will seem crazy. My only goal is to help as many people as I can to see it before it starts to affect them too much. The facts are that we are in an inflationary environment, one that is very unlikely to go away anytime soon. This means that saving is really hard, as our money is being devalued constantly.

In order to explain this to my girlfriend I thought it was best to get outside sources, so she would know that it is not “my opinion”. Here is where Lawrence Lepard came in. This guy is awesome, not only is his knowledge on the subject great, his way of explaining things is superb as well. The fact that he is a professional investment manager makes that what he says is really hard for people to ignore.

He describes the problem, how it got started, what is likely to happen and the best ways to protect yourself from it (bitcoin). It is exactly what I needed.

All I was left to find was a single piece of content where he displays all this information in an “easy to follow” way, one that could be shown to someone who has never heard any of these concepts. So I decided to go with the podcast “What Bitcoin Did” by Peter McCormack. What is great about Pete’s show is that he is not an expert or a high intellectual, he is a normal guy looking to learn and understand. This makes it so that all the experts go to his show to teach him (and his audience), while he asks the questions normal people would. It is a great place for newbies to come into the space.

I had to pause the show every now and then and answer a few questions from her, not everything is explained and some previous knowledge is required. We only got 30 minutes in and we decided to stop until tomorrow. I much rather that she first understands what the problem we are facing is, let that sink for a while, before we move into how we can defend ourselves.

This subject is very tricky, it needs to be approached with care and patience. Taking the first steps is always the hardest, but I believe they are necessary. I recommend to anyone to watch this show as it is one of the best I have found, and one of the easiest to follow. It condensed everything into one single content, it’s truly remarkable.

I hope I can continue to discuss these subjects with her and make our plans for the future. I recommend everyone to start opening the doors with their loved ones as (unfortunately) these subjects will only get more important as we move forward. The sooner we start understanding the landscape we are in, the best we can prepare, and the more resilient we will be to them. 

I hope this helps. Have an amazing day!

Link to the Show: