Stakecube my big bet to staking!!!

  Good morning guys, today I will tell you about a great option for all of us who are looking for options where to invest, I will tell

you about stakecube.

  This platform was a great treasure that I found after a very long search, owns its own currency the StakeCubeCoin (SCC) Estimated

value $ 1.01.

  After the very simple registration process it is worth mentioning, you can enjoy the multiple options you have to invest and earn, I

will start by indicating their initial menu trying to explain each one:

- the first item they will find will be the wallet, they offer a variety of currencies, among which we have: Doge, Btc, ETH, LTC, Dash,

Usdt, Usdc among the main currencies but with the possibility of lesser-known currencies but being good investment options such as:

Stratis, Komodo, pivx, neblio, etc; in total they offer 59 coins and each month they add more, having among their next acquisitions

chainlink, Dai and uniswap.

- the second item is the exchange, it has four main markets: Btc, Scc, Doge and Usdt.

- the third is Nodecube where you can acquire the nodes of some of your coins.

- the fourth is shared masternode where they give you the facility of not acquiring full nodes but buying shares, that is, joining their pools.

- the fifth is the minecube where you can buy mining power and mine Btc, Eth, Ltc and Dash or mine with your pc or phone with your webminer.

- the sixth is Stakecubecoin that we will leave unexplained as it is not necessary.

- the seventh is the academy where they give some explanations and teachings about their currency and other things.

- the eighth is community where you can vote for coins you want to be integrated into the platform and also has its own faucet where you can claim coins donated by the community and by the page.

 I will not name the last 2 options because they are not in use or only be the data and API of the page, without more than adding I hope you liked it and

here I leave my referral link: