Splinterlands Share Your Battle: Psychic Goblin FTW

I saw this week's Splinterlands' Share Your Battle Weekly challenge and I wanted to try my luck using this particular lineup.

For this week's challenge, the theme is Psychic Goblin.


Rarity: COMMON

Element: EARTH

Attack: MAGIC

Abilities: Tank Heal

I will be sharing this particular battle because it's quite interesting. With a mana limit of 99, it's really an all-out battle that anything goes.

I chose Obsidian to be my summoner.

I thought that I would use magic attackers so the +1 buff on magic attacks from her will be pretty helpful.

For the tank or first position, I opted to use the Unicorn Mustang.

With 10 health points, this beast could withstand a series of attacks from the opponents. It works well with the Psychic Goblin because when it is attacked, the Psychic Goblin can heal it again and make it stay out in the field longer.

For the second position, I used the Mcycelic Spawn.

I decided to use this because I wanted to have a second tank that could take the damage from range attackers from the enemy. It also has 10 HP so it's quite sturdy. In the off-chance that the opponent focuses heavily on ranged or magic attacks, then this could change the tides in my favor.

In the third position came Elven Mystic.

I want to capitalize on the buff given by the summoner so I chose another magic attacker like the week's theme Psychic Goblin.

On the next position, I tapped Venari Spellsmith from the neutral attackers.

The only reason why I took this one to battle is he's also another magic type attacker like the Psychic Goblin. His stats were just so-so, but I think he will be useful with the buff from Obsidian.

In the fifth position, I placed this mystical and magnificent deer-looking monster.

Regal Peryton gives a bit of an edge in the battle because aside from it being a magic user, it is also ridiculously fast with 5 speed points. It also has 6 HP making it a really good cover for the Psychic Goblin that I placed all the way to the back of the lineup.

The silence was eery and it was broken by the piercing sound of the blowhorn signaling the start of an all-out battle to the death.

As it so happens, I was also faced by an enemy that relied on Obsidian as a summoner. But the enemy chose to place 2 different splinters at the second and fourth positions. Did the gamble pay off in the end? Let's see.

Blows were exchanged and both of our Mycelic Spawn took all the blows. And the round ended with both of us losing our 2nd positions.

When the second round continued, all the attacks from my camp connected to the opponent's tank and he was obliterated by the end of the round. I was a bit lucky in that round because the opponent's attacks missed a few times.

We went back and forth and we just gave and took each other's hit. The battle was fierce and it was even that we made it to round 7 with one monster on each side. Only the Psychic Goblins were standing against each other.

I guess lady luck was rooting for me because I won the battle. I won it just because I hit first.

If you want to witness the full battle and how exciting it was, you can view the video here:


My strategy worked this time around but it was pure luck. I just won because I hit first. If I would change anything, I think I should have brought another heavy hitter even though it's not a magic attack user. Yes, exactly like what my opponent did.

I like the Psychic Goblin but the mana cost is a bit high. If it was diminished by even a point, it will become more powerful.