Splinterlands Epic Card Profile - Sporcerer

The Sporcerer’s spawning a spell,

At behest of the Mushroom Cartel,

The white, whispy waves,

Are digging your graves,

As he’s conjuring up fungal hell.




Splinter - Anumun

Class - Fungal Wizard

Size - You can never quite spot a Sporcerer until they begin weaving their wispy magic, for they come in many shapes and sizes. Some have the appearance of giant mushrooms while others are shapeshifters that can make themselves as small as a grain of sand. The original Sporcerers never leave the mysterious Mushroom Forest of northern Anumun; they are the size of trees.

Lifespan - Lyverian scholars believe that Mushroom Beings can live for many hundreds of years. When the powerful mycelic magic of the Sporcerers is added to the equation, some of them are able to live through multiple millennia. Theirs is a cyclical existence in which very little emphasis is placed on life and death. Instead of living and dead, Mushroom Beings tend to divide themselves into different categories: above ground and below. Those who are below the ground simply fill a different role for the Planet, the one ultimate master the Mushrooms serve.

Weapon - Sporcerers have many horrifying forms of attack at the ready, even though their magic is not built for battle. For example, a spore cloud (meant for creation) when used in the heat of battle, can temporarily suffocate the enemy or worse. Some Sporcerers have crafted their spores specifically to induce powerful and ghastly hallucinations in anyone who breathes them. Others have taught their spores to settle inside their victim, eventually converting the victim’s entire body into a lifeless host for the fungus that grows. Many Sporcerers have also mastered the art of peregrin terrim, or ground teleport. Facing one of these teleporting Sporcerers in battle is an image that haunts the dreams of countless Splintral warriors.

Habitat - The Mushroom Forest of northern Anumun is from whence the mushrooms grow. The entire forest is protected by the Kron’s Centaurs, but the Mushroom People who dwell there do not really need the protection. Nothing could ever come into the Mushroom Forest without the Sporcerers’ knowledge. They are one with everything in the forest; they support the soil beneath the smallest sprout and they hold the earthen walls that allow the rivers to flow. Mushroom Beings have been seen in all parts of Anumun, so they are clearly able to travel beyond the Mushroom Forest. They have not yet left the Earth Splinter and they appear to be afraid of large bodies of water.

Diet - Mushroom Beings recycle the organic matter of the world in all its many forms. Mycelium (the mass from which mushrooms grow) grows on forest floor compost, dried leaves, insect shells and corpses or animal droppings. It absorbs the nutrients from these foods and moisture from the air until it has created enough energy to grow a mushroom. When the mushroom is mature, it is able to drop millions of spores into the world, allowing the mycelium to grow in countless new places and repeat the symbiotic cycle.

Allies - The Mushroom People of Anumun are allied only with the Centauri, who are their neighbors to the east, led by Kron the Undying. This is mainly because the mystical Centaurs can actually understand the Mushroom Beings on an intuitive level. They share many of the same goals, including the proliferation of natural order and protection of all forests.

Enemies - Goblins from the south have attempted several times to take wood from the Mushroom Forest and they have been punished quite severely. Apparently the Goblins have heard that the mushroom wood carries some kind of substantial magic power so they keep trying. The last raid was led by a Goblin named Lory Hubodurp. Instead of killing him and his raiders, the Sporcerers allowed them to take a load of wood but sent them back with sleeping spores inside them. When these spores awoke some two weeks later in downtown Gobson, sheer mayhem broke out as Goblins began attacking one another in a mindless frenzy. Hundreds of Gobsons were killed that day before the Sporcerers’ spell wore off.

Pastimes - Most Sporcerers can change forms, so they can go almost anywhere they choose. They can float on the wind as a cloud of spores or ride the rapids of a great underground river. Oddly enough, most Sporcerers have a favorite place in common: The inside of a tree. This is where they tend to rest. If you ever see a Sporcerer entering a tree, it will look like they are giving the tree a big hug, then they are simply not there.

The True Story of Splinterlands

Once upon a time your game purchase meant something. You could go to the store and purchase a game, after which you would simply own that game. You could play as often as you'd like, because it was your game. As the game companies were one by one swallowed up by larger and larger game companies, a terrible thing happened to the gaming world. While the games themselves were always making improvements, the players were constantly throwing more and more of their hard-earned money into a corporate black hole from which they reaped no rewards.

How did the corporations convince the players to pay this money? Loot. They showered the players with in-game riches designed to create a sense of accomplishment, but with no real value. Not only are these in-game "assets" entirely subject to the whims of corporate overlords who rarely (if ever) have the player's interests at heart, but they never really belong to the player at all. They belong exclusively to the game for which they were created. If a player wants to quit playing the game,  they must also abandon their in-game treasures.

Not anymore. In the last couple years, Play-to-Earn has rushed to the scene. Blockchains are giving power and ownership back to the players, and it's about time. In this incredible and rapidly expanding world of technology it seems like such an outdated argument to be making, but the players (not the company) should own their gaming rewards. Blockchain, non-fungible tokens and games like Splinterlands are now making that possible.

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