Splinterlands: The Almighty Djinn Oshannus! [EN/PT-BR]

I will share with you an epic battle, in which the power of the Djinn Oshannus is revealed! This incredible card almost single-handedly wins games with its absurd base stats. Come and discover a little more about this match and this absurd card.

I'll be much appreaciated if you  or give any  ( PIZZA ??, PGM ??, LOLZ ??, ALIVE ??, etc ). Thanks and have good reading! ??


?? RULES // MATCH ??

This specific match didn't have any rules, that is, it was free at that point. However, there were limitations on the elements, with only 3 available: Fire, Water and Dragon. My choice was water, while my opponent chose fire. Furthermore, the mana limit was low, so choices had to be careful not to use up the entire mana pool.

On my team the idea was to leave Oshannus as the front line holding back attacks, while Merdaali Guardian healed him. Furthermore, as the other Fire option is known for its Sneak attacks, I already prepared myself by leaving the Hardy StoneFish and the Torrent Fiend in the last positions to hold back some attacks, which in this case was not necessary since the opponent decided to oppose all the chips in the Grumflameblade's Snowball, which didn't happen...


ROUND 1 and 2

The match begins with the buffs of the summoners Kelya and Tarsa activating and increasing the status of their allies. On one side Speed +1 and Shield, and on the other Attack +1 and HP.

As the Flameblade has Void Armor, Oshannus's first attacks were on his armor. On the other hand, due to the large amount of Speed (6) Grum's attacks are extremely difficult to hit as his speed stat is only 1.

It was only in the second round that Grum's first hit hit, but it was on the shield so it didn't cause damage to HP.

ROUND 3 to 9

In round 3, Grum's attack finally hits Oshannus squarely and causes 5 damage, but is soon dodged in round 4 and also in round 5

The battle continued with Djinn Oshannus dodging most of the attacks, while Grum scored occasional hits, but I couldn't defeat my Tank because Merdaali Guardian healed him when necessary. So, even when he hit twice in a row it was already too late because in round 9 his HP was low and the Djinn's next attack eliminated him.

ROUND 10...

Without the Grum Flameblade, the remaining monsters were eliminated one by one by Oshannus, none of them were able to eliminate him, because he still had the cure from shit there.

The match was won by basically a monster - Djinn Oshannus - with the clear support of the healer Merdaali. The speed status also had a big impact, because Oshannus dodged several times, which was a key point for victory.


At the end of the battle I gained almost 0.3 SPS and around 710 RP which helps to have more daily chests and at the end of the season. One positive point of playing in modern is that battles are more rewarding in terms of SPS.

It's worth commenting a little more on the main card of this lineup, Djinn Oshannus. This card, along with Kelya, reaches speed 6, which makes it avoid most melees since they have a low speed. Furthermore, this card is good against mages also because of the void that reduces damage by half. If you don't have this card yet, it's worth mentioning that it is at its average price according to Splintercards charts.

Battle Link

Vou compartilhar com voces uma batalha epica, em que o poder do Djinn Oshannus e revelado! Essa carta incrivel vence jogos quase que sozinha com seus status base absurdos. Venha descobrir um pouco mais sobre essa partida e essa carta absurda.

Fico agradecido se voce upder dar um  ou algum  ( PIZZA ??, PGM ??, LOLZ ??, ALIVE ??, etc ). Obrigado e boa leitura! ??



Essa partida em especifico nao teve uma regra, ou seja, foi livre nesse pronto. Entretando, houve limitacoes nos elementos, em que apenas 3 estavam disponiveis: Fogo Agua e Dragao. A minha escolha foi por agua, ja meu oponente escolheu fogo. Alem disso, o limite de mana era baixo, entao as escolhas deviam ser cuidadosas para nao gastar toda a pool de mana.

No meu time a ideia era deixar o Oshannus como front line segurando os ataques, enquanto a Merdaali Guardian curava ele. Ainda, como a outra opcao Fogo e conhecida pelos ataque Sneak, eu ja me preparei deixando o Hardy StoneFish e o Torrent Fiend nas ultimas posicoes para segurar alguns ataques, o que nesse caso nao foi necessario ja que o oponente resolver opostar todas as fichas no Snowball do Grumflameblade, o que nao aconteceu...


ROUND 1 e 2

A partida se inicia com os buff dos summoners Kelya e Tarsa se ativando e aumentando os status dos aliados. De um lado Speed +1 e Shield, e do outro Ataque +1 e HP.

Como o Flameblade tem Void Armor os primeiros ataques do Oshannus foram na armadura dele. Por outro lado, devido a grande quantidade de Speed (6) os ataques do Grum tiverem extrema dificuldade para acertar ja que seu status de velocidade e de apenas 1.

Foi apenas no segundo round que o primeiro hit de Grum acertou, mas foi no shield entao nao causou dano no HP.

ROUND 3 a 9

Ja no round 3 o ataque de Grum finalmente acerta em cheio o Oshannus e causa 5 de dano, mas logo e desviado no round 4 e tambem no 5

A batalha continou com o Djinn Oshannus desviando da maioria dos ataques, enquanto o Grum acertava pontuamente, mas nao consegui derrotar meu Tank porque a Merdaali Guardian o curava quando necessario. Assim, mesmo quando acertou duas vezes seguidas ja era tarde demais porque no round 9 seu HP estava baixo e o proximo ataque do Djinn o eliminou.

ROUND 10...

Sem o Grum Flameblade, os monstros que faltaram foram eliminados um por um pelo Oshannus, nenhum deles era capaz de elmina-lo, porque ele ainda tinha a cura da merdaali.

A partida foi ganha por um monstro basicamente - Djinn Oshannus - com o apoio claro da healer Merdaali. O status de speed tambem teve grande impacto, porque Oshannus desviou diversas vezes, o que foi um ponto chave para a vitoria.


Ao final da batalha ganhei quase 0.3 SPS e uns 710 RP que ajudam a ter mais baus diarios e no final da season. Um ponto positivo de jogar na modern e que as batalhas recompensam mais em termos de SPS.

Vale comentar mais um pouco mais sobre a carta principal dessa lineup o Djinn Oshannus. Essa carta junto da Kelya chega a 6 de velocidade, o que o faz desviar de grande parte dos melees ja que eles tem uma speed baixa. Alem disso, essa carta e boa contra magos tambem por conta do void que reduz o dano pela metade. Caso voce nao tenha essa carta ainda, vale falar que esta no seu preco medio de acordo com graficos do Splintercards.

Link da Batalha